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  • Executive Orders from 1994-Present    recent views

    The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. After the President signs an Executive order, the White...
  • Digital Preservation Framework    recent views

    The idea of the “Semantic Web” for the internet is that organizations and individuals can share information in a format that can be read automatically by computers, and can link...
  • Visitor Ticketing Application    recent views

    VISTA system makes reservations and accepts credit card payment for tours at Presidential libraries.
  • Unclassified Redaction and Tracking System (URTS)    recent views

    URTS extends the ADRRES system for the processing of UNCLASSIFIED Federal Records, including sensitive materials to be redacted.
  • Presidential Libraries Museum Collection Management Database    recent views

    MCMD serves as a descriptive catalog for the Presidential Libraries museum collections, and also supports a full range of museum collections management processes according to...
  • Security Clearance Tracking System    recent views

    SCTS supports the adjudication process of private background investigations and clearances for potential employees, contractors, interns and student workers.
  • Researcher Registration System    recent views

    Automated system that manages the researcher application, registration, and access process in Archives I and II.
  • Records Center Program Billing System    recent views

    RCPBS supports the Records center programs (RCP) in producing invoices for the storage (NARS-5) and servicing of National Archives and Records Administration’s Regional...
  • Privacy Act Issuances - Bulk XML    recent views

    The Privacy Act Compilation contains descriptions of Federal agency systems of records maintained on individuals and procedures Federal agencies follow to assist individuals who...
  • Presidential Network    recent views

    PRESNET is used by the Ford Presidential Library to automate a series of life-cycle functions ranging from tracking the solicitation of donations of papers to accessioning,...
  • Presidential Electronic Records Library    recent views

    PERL (Presidential Electronic Records Library) used to ingest and provide internal access to the Presidential electronic Records of the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations.
  • Order Fulfillment and Accounting System    recent views

    OFAS is the financial management system that tracks and provides accounting of customer service requests for reproductions of National Archives and Records Administration...
  • OGIS Access System    recent views

    The OGIS Access System (OAS) provides case management, stakeholder collaboration, and public communications activities including a web presence via a web portal.
  • Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States in XML - Obama 2010    recent views

    The Public Papers of the Presidents, which is compiled and published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, began in 1957 in...
  • National Archives and Records Administration Donor/Gift Records Management System    recent views

    This system tracks gifts and donations to National Archives and Records Administration.
  • Internal Collaboration Network    recent views

    ICN is a social business software tool for National Archives and Records Administration staff.
  • Founders Online Metadata    recent views

    CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER WRITINGS OF SIX MAJOR SHAPERS OF THE UNITED STATES: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (and family), Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton,...
  • Holdings Management System    recent views

    This system supports the physical management of permanent, hard-copy archival Records in the custody of National Archives and Records Administration program offices.
  • General Records Schedules (GRS)    recent views

    The General Records Schedules (GRS) are issued by the Archivist of the United States to provide agencies with disposition authority for records common to several or all Federal...
  • and API    recent views

    Website and API containing the daily Federal Register.