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Assessing reproductive effects of aromatase inhibition on fishes with group-synchronous oocyte development using western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) as a model

Metadata Updated: February 19, 2021

Predictive models and frameworks for linking inhibition of the enzyme aromatase, as measured in non-animal high throughput screening assays, to adverse effects on reproduction in fish have been established. However, those models were established using data from several fish species commonly reared in the laboratory that employ a particular reproductive strategy involving asynchronous oocyte development and repeat spawning. Many fish species employ synchronous oocyte development and spawn annually. This product was intended to help address the question of whether the current approaches for predicting impacts of aromatase inhibitors are applicable to fish with a synchronous/annual spawning reproduction strategy. The study establishes the mosquitofish as a viable laboratory model with synchronous oocyte development and provides preliminary evidence that exposure to aromatase inhibitors during a critical period of the reproductive cycle can lead to adverse effects on fish reproduction.

This dataset provides all the data used to generate the tables and figures presented in Doering et al. "Assessing reproductive effects of aromatase inhibition on fishes with group-synchronous oocyte development using Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) as a model." Data are organized as separate tabs in an Excel spreadsheet with a cover sheet, followed by a separate tab for each Figure and Table from the manuscript.

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Metadata Created Date February 19, 2021
Metadata Updated Date February 19, 2021

Metadata Source

Harvested from EPA ScienceHub

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date February 19, 2021
Metadata Updated Date February 19, 2021
Publisher U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD)
Data Last Modified 2020-10-28
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 020:00
Schema Version
Harvest Object Id e2840ee7-cebc-43c7-a8e3-c3cbfc0349f6
Harvest Source Id 04b59eaf-ae53-4066-93db-80f2ed0df446
Harvest Source Title EPA ScienceHub
Program Code 020:095
Publisher Hierarchy U.S. Government > U.S. Environmental Protection Agency > U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD)
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 58c40ece79d8c74bc2900ecb3fde78dd2ae3992b
Source Schema Version 1.1

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