Assembled cross-species perchlorate dose-response data recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This data set contains dose-response data for perchlorate exposure in multiple species. These data were assembled from peer-reviewed studies. Species included in this... -
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Information for Assessing Risk (PEiAR) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The database provides information on prescribed amounts, levels detected in aquatic environments, chemical structure, molecular weight, octanol-water partition... -
Dataset for an ecological risk assessment of Fipronil compounds in U.S. streams recent views
Department of the Interior —
The phenylpyrazole insecticide fipronil and its degradates are a potential surface-water contaminant and toxicant to nontarget species such as aquatic... -
Naled and dichlorvos in water and aquatic organisms from a canal and rice fields near Sacramento, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
Ultra-low volumes of naled are applied by aircraft over rice fields and canals to reduce adult mosquito populations near Sacramento, California. Each summer, the... -
Lead (Pb) in Bald and Golden Eagles from 38 United States, USA, 2010-2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
We collected blood samples from 237 live bald and 383 live golden eagles, and liver, femur, and feather samples from 322 dead bald and 268 dead golden eagles during... -
Toward an AOP Network-based tiered testing strategy for the assessment of thyroid hormone disruption recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
No novel data were reported in association with this product. This dataset is not publicly accessible because: The associated publication is a review/forum-type... -
The effect of thyroperoxidase and deiodinase inhibition on anterior swim bladder inflation in the zebrafish recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The data set provides all data that were reported in results, tables, and figures associated with Stinckens et al., "The effect of thyroperoxidase and deiodinase... -
Survival, growth, behavior and mercury concentrations of mayflies exposed to elevated dietary methylmercury and aqueous selenium recent views
Department of the Interior —
Survival and size of mayflies at each life stage, as well as MeHg concentrations in diatoms and mayflies exposed to low and high MeHg concentrations and a range of... -
Adult emergence counts, Experiments 1 through 4 recent views
Department of the Interior —
In a series of 4 experiments conducted over 4 years, natural lotic macroinvertebrate communities were colonized by placing baskets of large gravel in a riffle in the... -
Organic and metal contaminants in forage fish from the Niagara River and in Lumbriculus sp. exposed to Buffalo River sediments, 2020 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release includes organic and mercury data for biologic samples collected from two studies conducted in the Niagara River Area of Concern (AOC) and the... -
Fungicides in nectar and pollen collected by bumble bees in a cherry orchard recent views
Department of the Interior —
Lab-reared colonies of Bombus huntii (Hunt bumble bee) were deployed in a commercial cherry orchard in the spring of 2016. A fungicide formulation containing boscalid... -
Cyanotoxin Concentrations in Extracts from Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) and Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films (DGT) Samplers in Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release contains dissolved cyanotoxin concentrations for microcystins (MC), cylindrospermopsins (CYL), anatoxins (ATX), and saxitoxins (STX) assessed using... -
Bioactive Contaminants of Emerging Concern in National Park Waters of the Northern Colorado Plateau, USA recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Water and sediment was collected to assess the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in National Park waters of the northern Colorado Plateau, USA.... -
Chemical and biological data from a study on sensitivity of a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) to a permitted effluent and elevated potassium recent views
Department of the Interior —
The data release includes data from four studies: (1) toxicity of a permitted effluent, which entered the Deep Fork River (DFR), Oklahoma, USA, to a unionid mussel... -
Survival and growth of Neocloeon triangulifer under different test conditions in effluent style evaluations recent views
Department of the Interior —
Dataset consists of 4, 7, 10, and 14-day responses of laboratory cultured mayflies (Neocloeon triangulifer) to sodium chloride exposure under different test condition... -
Chemical and biological data from a study on method development for a short term 7 day sodium chloride and mock effluent toxicity tests with unionid mussels recent views
Department of the Interior —
The data consists of the responses (survival, growth, and/or reproduction) of test organisms were determined in six concentrations of toxicants in 7-day toxicity... -
Effects of carbon dioxide on juveniles of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea (Unionidae). recent views
Department of the Interior —
Carbon dioxide has shown promise as a tool to control movements of invasive Asian carps. We evaluated lethal and sublethal responses of juvenile fat mucket (Lampsilis... -
Sediment Biogeochemistry and Subsequent Mercury Biomagnification in Wetland Food Webs of the San Francisco Bay, CA (ver. 2.0, December 2023) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a globally pervasive contaminant that biomagnifies in food webs and can reach toxic concentrations in consumers at higher trophic levels,... -
Brook trout toxicity data from bioassays conducted in Western Adirondack Streams, 2001-03 and 2015-17 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset is composed of a single data table containing survival data and ancillary measurements for brook trout bioassays conducted in streams of the Western... -
Cytoscape file of chemical networks recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The maximum connectivity scores of pairwise chemical conditions summarized from Cmap results in a file with Cytoscape format (http://www.cytoscape.org/). The figures...