VBA Monday Morning Workload Report (MMWR) 2004 To Present recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The link provides access to VBA's Weekly benefits claims inventory reports from 2004 through present. -
EMS - Incidents by Month recent views
City of Austin —
This table contains data describing requests for assistance received by ATCEMS. Incident counts are broken out by location, and priority for City of Austin and... -
National Laboratory Workload and Laboratory Management Index Program recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
Effective management of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service (P&LMS) laboratories requires indicators capable of demonstrating each individual laboratory's... -
Hearing Receipts and Closing Pending - FY 1985-2009 recent views
Social Security Administration —
A presentation for the public to view historical information about two key workload indicators, hearing case receipts and hearing case closing pending. We are... -
Title II Workload Management Information recent views
Social Security Administration —
This data store contains detailed initial claims data that will provide summarized workload and respective task information for both Title II and Title XVI claims, at... -
EMS - Ambulance Responses by Month recent views
City of Austin —
This table contains data related to responses by regularly scheduled ambulances. Units that are not ambulances or are deployed on an irregular basis are excluded... -
SSI Initial Claim District Office Workload Report Programmatic recent views
Social Security Administration —
Provides a list of SSI initial claims completed by week, used to generate agency completion counts. -
eDib Pending Claims recent views
Social Security Administration —
Report by region and individual SSA field offices, then by disability case classification (CDR or Initial) and adjudicative level, giving the number of disability... -
SSI Initial Claims District Office Workload Report Management Information recent views
Social Security Administration —
Provides a list of SSI initial claims completed by week, used to generate agency completion counts. -
EMS - Patient Contacts by Month recent views
City of Austin —
This table contains data that describes monthly patient contacts. It includes all incidents with a response priority between 1 and 5, inclusive. -
SSI Appeal District Office Workload Report recent views
Social Security Administration —
Provides a list of SSI appeals completed by week, used to generate agency completion counts. -
EMS - Communications Measures recent views
City of Austin —
Data contained in this table documents Austin-Travis County EMS (ATCEMS) Communications Center workload and performance. Data contained in this table comes from... -
Title XVI Field Office Appeals - Operational Data Store recent views
Social Security Administration —
Legacy management information system for Title XVI appeals from Reconsideration through Court adjudicative levels. Replaced by SUMS Appeals. -
Internet Workload Management Information recent views
Social Security Administration —
Captures and displays preparer information for 3368 forms submitted on the Internet. -
SSA Unified Measurement System (SUMS) Title XVI Post-Eligibility Operational Data Store (PEODS) recent views
Social Security Administration —
Provides MI/BI for the Title XVI post eligibility workloads. Also houses Starz & Stripes data, which is used for workload control of redeterminations and limited... -
Collection Hearing Office Workload Data Collection recent views
Social Security Administration —
A presentation of four key workload indicators (pending, receipts, dispositions and average processing time) for each hearing office in the Office of Hearings... -
eDib Regional Workloads:Weekly Totals recent views
Social Security Administration —
Fine-grained report of disability case counts, organized by SSA region, state, and individual field office. Within each field office, counts are broken down by... -
eDib Regional Workloads: Monthly Totals recent views
Social Security Administration —
Fine-grained report of disability case counts, organized by SSA region, state, and individual field office. Within each field office, counts are broken down by...