PREDICT Event Crop Production recent views
US Agency for International Development —
If crop production was chosen for the DiseaseTransmissionInterfaces in the Site/Event Characterization, the site is further characterized for additional attributes... -
Substance Identification Information from EPA's Substance Registry recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The Substance Registry Services (SRS) is the authoritative resource for basic information about substances of interest to the U.S. EPA and its state and tribal... -
HIV-1, Human Protein Interaction Database recent views
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services —
Information about known interactions of HIV-1 proteins with proteins from human hosts. It provides annotated bibliographies of published reports of protein... -
2023 Respiratory Virus Response - NSSP Emergency Department Visits - COVID-19, Flu, RSV, Combined – by Demographic Category recent views
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services —
2023 Respiratory Virus Response - NSSP Emergency Department Visits - COVID-19, Flu, RSV, Combined – by Demographic Category Updated once per week on Fridays. -
Toolkit and Curated Archive for COVID-19 Research Challenge Dataset recent views
National Institute of Standards and Technology —
This GitHub repository contains a downloadable snapshot of National Institute of Standards and Technology's COVID-19 Data Repository, curated from the COVID-19 Open... -
Biomarker Vector Borne Viruses (public view) recent views
City of Tempe —
This dataset supports the Biomarker: Vector-Borne Viruses page on the Tempe Wastewater BioIntel Program site.Wastewater collection areas are comprised of merged... -
An aggregated dataset of serially collected influenza A virus morbidity and titer measurements from virus-infected ferrets. recent views
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services —
Data from influenza A virus (IAV) infected ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) provides invaluable information towards the study of novel and emerging viruses that pose a... -
PREDICT Emerging Pandemic Threats Project - Coronavirus Extension recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The PREDICT Consortium strengthened global preparedness for emerging threats, in particular to detect viruses that may have the potential to spillover from wild... -
Influenza Virus Resource recent views
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services —
Provides researchers with a growing collection of virus sequences essential to the identification of the genetic determinants of influenza pathogenicity. -
Biomarker Other Viruses (public view) recent views
City of Tempe —
This dataset supports the Biomarker: Other Viruses page on the Tempe Wastewater BioIntel Program site.Wastewater collection areas are comprised of merged sewage... -
Retrovirus Resources recent views
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services —
Information about retroviruses and specialized tools for the analysis of retroviral proteins and genomes. The tools on this page aid in the identification, study and... -
Biomarker Respiratory Viruses (public view) recent views
City of Tempe —
This dataset supports the Biomarker: Respiratory Viruses page on the Tempe Wastewater BioIntel Program site.Wastewater collection areas are comprised of merged... -
USDA Agricultural Research Service- Patented Crop Production and Crop Protection Technologies recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Recent USDA/ARS patented technologies on crop production and protection that are available for licensing are described, including summary, contact, benefits, and... -
Data associated with article virus transport from drywells under constant head conditions: a modeling study recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The spreadsheet accompanies the journal article Sasidharan et al (2021) Water Research, Virus transport from drywells under constant head conditions: a modeling... -
Priority Pathogen Fate in Activated Sludge (09/2016 to 05/2019) recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The main purpose of this study is to design and perform a series of experiments at the U.S. EPA T&E Facility in Cincinnati, Ohio, to determine the fate and... -
PREDICT Event Value Chain recent views
US Agency for International Development —
If value chain was chosen for the DiseaseTransmissionInterfaces in the Site/Event Characterization, the site is further characterized for additional attributes... -
Lung Transcriptome Data from Chickens with Newcastle Disease Virus--Impact of Gender Immune Response Dataset recent views
US Agency for International Development —
To determine the gender impact on the immune response of chickens, the mRNA was isolated and sequenced from the lungs of 48 chickens of 2 lines as three time-points... -
Lung Transcriptome Data from Chickens with Newcastle Disease Virus--Impact of Gender Immune Response recent views
US Agency for International Development —
To determine the gender impact on the immune response of chickens, the mRNA was isolated and sequenced from the lungs of 48 chickens of 2 lines as three time-points... -
PREDICT Animals Sampled recent views
US Agency for International Development —
Contains the attributes of the animals that were sampled during the project. There can be 1 to many animals to one Site/Event Characterization entry. -
PREDICT Event Animal Production (China) recent views
US Agency for International Development —
If animal production was chosen for the DiseaseTransmissionInterfaces in the Site/Event Characterization, the site is further characterized for additional attributes...