Collection Monthly Traffic Volume Trends recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Traffic Volume Trends montly report is a natinal data report that provides quality controlled vehicle miles traveled data for each State for all roadways -
Weekly Traffic Volume recent views
Department of Transportation —
This dataset contains the estimates of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for interstate highways and how the total travel measured by VMT compares with travel that... -
MOVES 2022 Input Data Tables recent views
State of New York —
Inputs for the publicly available EPA modeling utility MOVES (MOtor Vehicle Emissions Simulator), used to estimate air pollution emissions from mobile sources. Please... -
Monthly Travel Trends Dashboard Data recent views
Department of Transportation —
Monthly VMT/12-month VMT average/Cumulative 12-month VMT -
Weekly Traffic Volume (Old) recent views
Department of Transportation —
This dataset contains the estimates of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for interstate highways and how the total travel measured by VMT compares with travel that... -
MOVES 2019 Input Data Tables recent views
State of New York —
Inputs for the publicly available EPA modeling utility MOVES (MOtor Vehicle Emissions Simulator), used to estimate air pollution emissions from mobile sources. Please... -
Select Summary Statistics Dashboard data recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Summary Statistics dashboard includes rural and urban measures for roadway mileage, lane miles, vehicle miles traveled, fatalities, and fatality rate. -
Transportation Cost Burden: Transportation Spending by Income Quintile and Vehicle Ownership recent views
Department of Transportation —
Transportation Spending by Income Quintile and Vehicle Ownership. Looking at number of vehicles per household by income quintile; percent of households with no... -
Transportation as an Economic Indicator: Seasonally-adjusted transportation data recent views
Department of Transportation —
Visualizations of unadjusted and seasonally adjusted transportation data. -
Local Area Transportation Characteristics by Household 2009 recent views
Department of Transportation —
Estimates of average weekday household person trips, vehicle trips, person miles traveled, and vehicle miles traveled (per day), for all Census tracts in the United... -
MOVES 2020 Input Data Tables recent views
State of New York —
Inputs for the publicly available EPA modeling utility MOVES (MOtor Vehicle Emissions Simulator), used to estimate air pollution emissions from mobile sources. Please... -
MOVES 2021 Input Data Tables recent views
State of New York —
Inputs for the publicly available EPA modeling utility MOVES (MOtor Vehicle Emissions Simulator), used to estimate air pollution emissions from mobile sources. Please... -
Transportation Cost Burden: Transportation Expenditures by Selected Household Characteristics by Income Quintile recent views
Department of Transportation —
Transportation Expenditures by Selected Household Characteristics by Income Quintile. Investigates transportation by income quintile by region, urban vs rural,... -
Transportation Cost Burden: Overview of Household Spending on Transportation by Income Quintile recent views
Department of Transportation —
Overview of Household Spending on Transportation by Income Quintile. Household spending on transportation and transportation spending as a percent of after tax income...