Trash Receptacles recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts street trash and recycling receptacles. Contact Keith Johnson (kjohnson@somervillema.gov) with... -
Detection of Crime, Resource Deployment, and Predictors of Success: A Multi-Level Analysis of CCTV in Newark, New Jersey, 2007-2011 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Detection of Crime, Resource Deployment, and Predictors of Success: A Multi-Level Analysis of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) in Newark, NJ collection represents... -
Zoning & Overlay Districts recent views
City of Somerville —
Polygon feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts zoning and overlay districts adopted December 12, 2019 as part of the City of Somerville Zoning... -
Polling Places recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts polling places for the for the voter precincts based on the 2020 Census. Last updated... -
Neighborhoods recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI polygon feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts neighborhood boundaries. -
Fire Response Districts recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI polygon feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts fire response districts. -
Large Mid Columbia Spatial Stream Data recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This is the Mid Columbia stream network used in the application section of the journal article. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Ver Hoef,... -
NCCN Landbird Monitoring Sample Design Geodatabase recent views
Department of the Interior —
The geodatabase represents the sampling design used to meet the project's purpose. The sampling design relies upon systematic sampling for smaller parks (LEWI and... -
Soil Moisture Data for the Red River and Rio Grande Basins from 2015-2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Modeled soil moisture raster maps (4km-pixels) displaying volumetric water content (VWC) and fraction of available water (FAW) in 10-cm depth increments for the... -
NCCN LEWI Elk Ground Monitoring Sample Design Geodatabase recent views
Department of the Interior —
Geodatabase representing the sample design for the North Coast and Cascades Network (NCCN) elk monitoring project at Lewis and Clark National Historical Park (LEWI).... -
City Limits recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI polygon feature class representing the City of Somerville, Massachusetts city boundary. -
Place Names recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts squares, hills and other commonly referenced locations. -
HTMLS of Spatial Stream Network Modeling to Predict Total Phosphorus Concentration in the East Fork of the Little Miami River, Ohio recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
These files contain data for relating stream total phosphorus concentration, a nutrient, to land cover and land use variables in the East Fork of the Little Miami... -
Aeolian mass flux data for the Colorado Plateau recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled to measure airborne horizontal mass flux of sediments moved by wind across soils, climates, vegetation types, and land uses on the Colorado... -
Police Arrest Decisions in Intimate Partner Violence Cases in the United States, 2000 and 2003 recent views
Department of Justice —
The purpose of the study was to better understand the factors associated with police decisions to make an arrest or not in cases of heterosexual partner violence and... -
Parking Meters recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts street parking meters. -
Police Stations recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts police station locations.