Louisville Metro KY - American Rescue Plan Comments recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
The Office of Performance Improvement strives to provide Metro Government and its partners with customized improvement support to create a world-class city.View the... -
Bank Locations recent views
District of Columbia —
The Banking Bureau of the Department of Insurance Securities and Banking (DISB) regulates District of Columbia Chartered Banks, mortgage companies, and consumer... -
Election Candidate Contribution recent views
District of Columbia —
The Office of Campaign Finance (OCF) provides easy access to all contributions and expenditures reported from 2003, through the current reporting period. Because the... -
Fiscal Year 2013 Budget recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset includes the Fiscal Year 2013 Council-approved operating budget for Montgomery County. The dataset does not include revenues and agency budget... -
Performance and Operational Web-Enabled Reports (POWER) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Performance and Operational Web-Enabled Reports (POWER) system is a state-of-the-art data warehouse containing data on Veterans Health Administration (VHA)... -
Associated Health Allocation recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Associated Health Allocation Database is used to determine the allocation of positions and funds for VA Associated Health programs offered by Veterans Affairs... -
ARRA Funds Monthly Report recent views
Department of the Treasury —
TIGTA Monthly Reports on Received ARRA funds -
Fiscal Year 2015 County Executive Recommended Operating Budget – Internal Service Funds recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset includes the Internal Service Fund data included in the annual operating budget. Internal Service Funds (ISF) are proprietary funds used to record... -
Distribution (State Allotment) of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Appropriation from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The ARRA appropriation for the DWSRF program is $2,000,000,000. DWSRF allotments are based on percentages derived from the 2003 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs... -
Fiscal Year 2013 Budget - Internal Service Funds recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset includes the Internal Service Fund data included in the annual operating budget. Internal Service Funds (ISF) are proprietary funds used to record... -
FY14 Budget-Internal Service Funds recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset includes the Internal Service Fund data included in the annual operating budget. Internal Service Funds (ISF) are proprietary funds used to record... -
GAAP Fund Types and Titles recent views
City of Austin —
These are the various 2-digit GAAP fund types and their titles under which GAAP Funds are consolidated for financial reporting. GAAP Fund Types are used to report... -
Report Card 1003 Funds 2018-19 to Most Current School Year recent views
State of Washington —
This data provides a list of all the school districts and schools that received funds under section 1003 of ESSA from 2018-19 to the most current school year... -
Report Card 1003 Funds 2020-21 School Year recent views
State of Washington —
This data provides a list of all the school districts and schools that received funds under section 1003 of ESSA in the 2020-21 school year, including the amount of... -
Report Card 1003 Funds 2019-20 School Year recent views
State of Washington —
This data provides a list of all the school districts and schools that received funds under section 1003 of ESSA in the 2019-20 school year, including the amount of... -
University of Illinois at Chicago Health Policy Center - Funding recent views
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services —
1991-2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Funding Data, Appropriations (1991-2016)... -
Share Price Data recent views
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board —
Periodic reviews of plan offering competitiveness and share acquisition pricing is available via FRTIB’s Open Data Plan. Available data includes share price data in...