Consumer Complaint Database recent views
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau —
The Consumer Complaint Database is a collection of complaints about consumer financial products and services that we sent to companies for response. Complaints are... -
Credit Card Agreements Database recent views
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau —
The Credit Card Agreements (CCA) database includes credit card agreements from more than 600 card issuers. These agreements include general terms and conditions,... -
Purchase Card (PCard) Fiscal Year 2014 recent views
State of Oklahoma —
This dataset contains information on purchases made through the purchase card programs administered by the state and higher ed institutions. The purchase card... -
College Credit Card Marketing Agreements Data recent views
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau —
As required by the Credit CARD Act of 2009, we collect information annually from credit card issuers who have marketing agreements with universities, colleges, or... -
Terms of Credit Card Plans (TCCP) Survey recent views
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau —
The TCCP is a semi-annual survey on the terms of credit card plans offered by over 150 financial institutions. Twice per year, the Bureau is required by law to... -
CBP Revenue Collection Common Integration Framework Master Dataset recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
Port Point of Sale data including Vessels, Broker Agents, credit card information, and maritime commercial enterprises.