NSF Award Search Web API recent views
The NSF Award Search web API provides a web API interface to the Research.gov's Research Spending and Results data, which provides NSF research award information from 2007. -
NSF Average Dwell Time by NSF and Directorate recent views
An text/xml file containing NSF Average Dwell Time by NSF and Directorate. -
NSF Budget History by Account recent views
National Science Foundation text/xml file containing NSF budget history by account -
Collection National Survey of College Graduates recent views
The National Survey of College Graduates is a repeated cross-sectional biennial survey that provides data on the nation's college graduates, with a focus on those in the science... -
NSF Research Spending and Results recent views
Research Spending & Results gives the public, the scientific community, and Congress insight into federally funded research. Research Spending & Results provides... -
Award Service recent views
Documents all award information. -
Collection Higher Education Research and Development recent views
The Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey is the primary source of information on R&D expenditures at U.S. colleges and universities. The survey collects... -
Collection NSF Funding Rate History Web API recent views
This web API contains FY 2001-FY 2016 NSF funding rates for competitive research proposals by organizational unit. The funding rate is calculated by dividing the number of... -
NSF Social Media recent views
NSF uses a variety of social media tools and apps to share news about research NSF funds, funding opportunities offered by the foundation, job openings at NSF and more. You can... -
NSF Public Access Repository recent views
The NSF Public Access Repository contains an initial collection of journal publications and the final accepted version of the peer-reviewed manuscript or the version of record.... -
NSF Business Operations Vacancies recent views
Positions with primary responsibility for providing operational and functional support to the employees who deliver the NSF core mission, including IT Specialists, Budget... -
Collection Business Enterprise Research and Development Survey recent views
The Business Enterprise Research and Development Survey (BERD) and its immediate predecessors the Business R&D and Innovation Survey (BRDIS) and the Business Research and... -
Collection Survey of Science and Engineering Research Facilities recent views
The Survey of Science and Engineering Research Facilities is a congressionally mandated, biennial survey that collects data on the amount, construction, repair, renovation, and... -
NSF Communications/Public Affairs Vacancies recent views
Positions support communication to internal and external audiences with information about the activities, programs, research results, and policies of the National Science... -
Collection Nonprofit Research Activities Survey recent views
The Nonprofit Research Activities (NPRA) module of the Annual Business Survey measures research and experimental development (R&D) performance and funding at U.S. 501(c)... -
Collection Annual Business Survey recent views
The Annual Business Survey (ABS) is conducted by the Census Bureau in partnership with the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics within the National Science... -
NSF Grant Funding recent views
An text/xml file containing NSF funding rates for competitive research proposals by organizational unit. The funding rate is calculated by dividing the number of awards by the... -
Collection Survey of Earned Doctorates recent views
The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given... -
NSF Multimedia Gallery recent views
NSF gallery containing links to multimedia files, including images and video, related to the National Science Foundation and its mission.