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IMR90 bystander experiment 0.5 Gy alpha particle

Metadata Updated: December 6, 2023

The existence of a radiation bystander effect in which non-irradiated cells respond to signals from irradiated cells is well established. It raises concerns for the interpretation of risks from exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation. Sparse data exists about the bystander signaling mechanisms and the ability to transmit damaging effects both spatially and temporally. To understand early signaling and cellular changes in bystanders we have measured global gene expression 30 minutes after direct and bystander exposure to alpha particle in primary human lung fibroblasts. Gene ontology and pathway analyses suggested that the earliest measured changes at 30 minutes after treatment are in cell structure motility and adhesion categories and a significant number of genes belong to the category of inflammation and cell-to-cell communication. We investigated time course gene expression profiles of matrix metalloproteinases 1 and 3 (MMP1 and MMP3) chemokine ligands 2 3 and 5 (CXCL2 CXCL3 and CXCL5) interleukins 1a 1b 6 and 33 (IL1A IL1B IL6 and IL33) growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) and superoxide dismutase2 (SOD2) by real time quantitative PCR. These encode proteins involved in cellular signaling via the NFkappaB pathway and time course of mRNA levels revealed an increased response at 30 minutes after irradiation followed by another wave at 4 to 6 hours. We also investigated protein modifications in the AKT-GSK-3 signaling pathway and found that in irradiated cells AKT and GSK3beta are hyper-phosphorylated at 30 minutes and this effect is maintained until 4 hours after exposure. In bystanders there is a similar response with a delay of 30 minutes. In irradiated cells inactivated GSK3beta led to decreased phosphorylation of beta-catenin. Our results are the first to show that the radiation induced bystander signal can induce a widespread gene expression response as early as 30 minutes after exposure and that these changes are accompanied by protein modification of signaling modules such as AKT and GSK3beta. There are 12 total samples 4 corresponding biological replicates of IMR90 cells that were not irradiated (control=C) irradiated (alpha=A) and bystander (B) cells were harvested 0.5 hr after treatment

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: us-pd

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Metadata Created Date January 31, 2023
Metadata Updated Date December 6, 2023
Data Update Frequency irregular

Metadata Source

Harvested from NASA Data.json

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date January 31, 2023
Metadata Updated Date December 6, 2023
Publisher National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Identifier nasa_genelab_GLDS-176_i2ry-axv4
Data First Published 2021-05-21
Data Last Modified 2023-01-26
Category Earth Science
Public Access Level public
Data Update Frequency irregular
Bureau Code 026:00
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 02de2936-1c86-4c11-b90c-a7e6d9c5c26a
Harvest Source Id 58f92550-7a01-4f00-b1b2-8dc953bd598f
Harvest Source Title NASA Data.json
Homepage URL
Program Code 026:005
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash c0f237dbbc331f81fb57eeb63e994fe173f431e31094dc2b360b68bda2b8884a
Source Schema Version 1.1

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