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Food Intakes Converted to Retail Commodities Databases (FICRCD)

Metadata Updated: March 30, 2024

Food Intakes Converted to Retail Commodities Databases (FICRCD) provide data for foods consumed in the United States national dietary intake surveys at the retail commodity level. The survey foods are converted into 65 retail-level commodities. The commodities are grouped into eight major categories: Dairy Products; Fats and Oils; Fruits; Grains; Meat, Poultry, Fish and Eggs; Nuts; Caloric Sweeteners; and Vegetables, Dry Beans and Legumes. The Food Intakes Converted to Retail Commodities Databases were jointly developed by USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Economic Research Service (ERS) for the following six surveys:

Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals 1994-1996 and 1998. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2000. What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2002. What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2004. What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2006.

What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2008. Resources in this dataset:Resource Title: Food Intakes Converted to Retail Commodities Databases (FICRCD). File Name: Web Page, url: Web site of the Food Intakes Converted to Retail Commodities Databases (FICRCD), which provide data for foods consumed in the national dietary intake surveys at the retail commodity level. Provides links to Data Tables, Methodology and User Guide, and Factsheets.

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: us-pd

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Metadata Created Date March 30, 2024
Metadata Updated Date March 30, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from USDA JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date March 30, 2024
Metadata Updated Date March 30, 2024
Publisher Agricultural Research Service
Identifier 10113/AA7842
Data Last Modified 2024-02-09
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 005:18
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 9a1d8c07-1b83-411b-a9b7-7579c9f90555
Harvest Source Id d3fafa34-0cb9-48f1-ab1d-5b5fdc783806
Harvest Source Title USDA JSON
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-76.23287, 38.319215, -76.35, 39.15, -76.542725, 38.717615, -76.32933, 38.08326, -76.989998, 38.239992, -76.30162, 37.917945, -76.25874, 36.9664, -75.9718, 36.89726, -75.86804, 36.55125, -75.72749, 35.55074, -76.36318, 34.80854, -77.397635, 34.51201, -78.05496, 33.92547, -78.55435, 33.86133, -79.06067, 33.49395, -79.20357, 33.15839, -80.301325, 32.509355, -80.86498, 32.0333, -81.33629, 31.44049, -81.49042, 30.72999, -81.31371, 30.03552, -80.98, 29.18, -80.535585, 28.47213, -80.53, 28.04, -80.056539, 26.88, -80.088015, 26.205765, -80.13156, 25.816775, -80.38103, 25.20616, -80.68, 25.08, -81.17213, 25.20126, -81.33, 25.64, -81.71, 25.87, -82.24, 26.73, -82.70515, 27.49504, -82.85526, 27.88624, -82.65, 28.55, -82.93, 29.1, -83.70959, 29.93656, -84.1, 30.09, -85.10882, 29.63615, -85.28784, 29.68612, -85.7731, 30.15261, -86.4, 30.4, -87.53036, 30.27433, -88.41782, 30.3849, -89.18049, 30.31598, -89.593831, 30.159994, -89.413735, 29.89419, -89.43, 29.48864, -89.21767, 29.29108, -89.40823, 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44.81645, -74.867, 45.00048, -73.34783, 45.00738, -71.50506, 45.0082, -71.405, 45.255, -71.08482, 45.30524, -70.66, 45.46, -70.305, 45.915, -69.99997, 46.69307, -69.237216, 47.447781, -68.905, 47.185, -68.23444, 47.35486, -67.79046, 47.06636, -67.79134, 45.70281, -67.13741, 45.13753, -66.96466, 44.8097, -68.03252, 44.3252, -69.06, 43.98, -70.11617, 43.68405, -70.645476, 43.090238, -70.81489, 42.8653, -70.825, 42.335, -70.495, 41.805, -70.08, 41.78, -70.185, 42.145, -69.88497, 41.92283, -69.96503, 41.63717, -70.64, 41.475, -71.12039, 41.49445, -71.86, 41.32, -72.295, 41.27, -72.87643, 41.22065, -73.71, 40.931102, -72.24126, 41.11948, -71.945, 40.93, -73.345, 40.63, -73.982, 40.628, -73.952325, 40.75075, -74.25671, 40.47351, -73.96244, 40.42763, -74.17838, 39.70926, -74.90604, 38.93954, -74.98041, 39.1964, -75.20002, 39.24845, -75.52805, 39.4985, -75.32, 38.96, -75.071835, 38.782032, -75.05673, 38.40412, -75.37747, 38.01551, -75.94023, 37.21689, -76.03127, 37.2566, -75.72205, 37.93705, -76.23287, 38.319215, -76.35, 39.15, -76.542725, 38.717615, -76.32933, 38.08326, -76.989998, 38.239992, -76.30162, 37.917945, -76.25874, 36.9664, -75.9718, 36.89726, -75.86804, 36.55125, -75.72749, 35.55074, -76.36318, 34.80854, -77.397635, 34.51201, -78.05496, 33.92547, -78.55435, 33.86133, -79.06067, 33.49395, -79.20357, 33.15839, -80.301325, 32.509355, -80.86498, 32.0333, -81.33629, 31.44049, -81.49042, 30.72999, -81.31371, 30.03552, -80.98, 29.18, -80.535585, 28.47213, -80.53, 28.04, -80.056539, 26.88, -80.088015, 26.205765, -80.13156, 25.816775, -80.38103, 25.20616, -80.68, 25.08, -81.17213, 25.20126, -81.33, 25.64, -81.71, 25.87, -82.24, 26.73, -82.70515, 27.49504, -82.85526, 27.88624, -82.65, 28.55, -82.93, 29.1, -83.70959, 29.93656, -84.1, 30.09, -85.10882, 29.63615, -85.28784, 29.68612, -85.7731, 30.15261, -86.4, 30.4, -87.53036, 30.27433, -88.41782, 30.3849, -89.18049, 30.31598, -89.593831, 30.159994, -89.413735, 29.89419, -89.43, 29.48864, -89.21767, 29.29108, -89.40823, 29.15961, -89.77928, 29.30714, -90.15463, 29.11743, -90.880225, 29.148535, -91.626785, 29.677, -92.49906, 29.5523, -93.22637, 29.78375, -93.84842, 29.71363, -94.69, 29.48, -95.60026, 28.73863, -96.59404, 28.30748, -97.14, 27.83, -97.37, 27.38, -97.38, 26.69, -97.33, 26.21, -97.14, 25.87, -97.53, 25.84, -98.24, 26.06, -99.02, 26.37, -99.3, 26.84, -99.52, 27.54, -100.11, 28.11, -100.45584, 28.69612, -100.9576, 29.38071, -101.6624, 29.7793, -102.48, 29.76, -103.11, 28.97, -103.94, 29.27, -104.45697, 29.57196, -104.70575, 30.12173, -105.03737, 30.64402, -105.63159, 31.08383, -106.1429, 31.39995, -106.50759, 31.75452, -108.24, 31.754854, -108.24194, 31.34222, -109.035, 31.34194, -111.02361, 31.33472, -113.30498, 32.03914, -114.815, 32.52528, -114.72139, 32.72083, -115.99135, 32.61239, -117.12776, 32.53534, -117.295938, 33.046225, -117.944, 33.621236, -118.410602, 33.740909, -118.519895, 34.027782, -119.081, 34.078, -119.438841, 34.348477, -120.36778, 34.44711, -120.62286, 34.60855, -120.74433, 35.15686, -121.71457, 36.16153, -122.54747, 37.55176, -122.51201, 37.78339, -122.95319, 38.11371, -123.7272, 38.95166, -123.86517, 39.76699, -124.39807, 40.3132, -124.17886, 41.14202, -124.2137, 41.99964, -124.53284, 42.76599, -124.14214, 43.70838, -124.020535, 44.615895, -123.89893, 45.52341, -124.079635, 46.86475, -124.39567, 47.72017, -124.68721, 48.184433, -124.566101, 48.379715, -123.12, 48.04, -122.58736, 47.096, -122.34, 47.36, -122.5, 48.18, -122.84, 49, -120, 49, -117.03121, 49, -116.04818, 49, -113, 49, -110.05, 49, -107.05, 49, -104.04826, 48.99986, -100.65, 49, -97.22872, 49.0007, -95.15907, 49, -95.15609, 49.38425, -94.81758, 49.38905, -153.006314, 57.115842, -154.00509, 56.734677, -154.516403, 56.992749, -154.670993, 57.461196, -153.76278, 57.816575, -153.228729, 57.968968, -152.564791, 57.901427, -152.141147, 57.591059, -153.006314, 57.115842, -165.579164, 59.909987, -166.19277, 59.754441, -166.848337, 59.941406, -167.455277, 60.213069, -166.467792, 60.38417, -165.67443, 60.293607, -165.579164, 59.909987, -171.731657, 63.782515, -171.114434, 63.592191, -170.491112, 63.694975, -169.682505, 63.431116, -168.689439, 63.297506, -168.771941, 63.188598, -169.52944, 62.976931, -170.290556, 63.194438, -170.671386, 63.375822, -171.553063, 63.317789, -171.791111, 63.405846, -171.731657, 63.782515, -155.06779, 71.147776, -154.344165, 70.696409, -153.900006, 70.889989, -152.210006, 70.829992, -152.270002, 70.600006, -150.739992, 70.430017, -149.720003, 70.53001, -147.613362, 70.214035, -145.68999, 70.12001, -144.920011, 69.989992, -143.589446, 70.152514, -142.07251, 69.851938, -140.985988, 69.711998, -140.992499, 66.000029, -140.99777, 60.306397, -140.012998, 60.276838, -139.039, 60.000007, -138.34089, 59.56211, -137.4525, 58.905, -136.47972, 59.46389, -135.47583, 59.78778, -134.945, 59.27056, -134.27111, 58.86111, -133.355549, 58.410285, -132.73042, 57.69289, -131.70781, 56.55212, -130.00778, 55.91583, -129.979994, 55.284998, -130.53611, 54.802753, -131.085818, 55.178906, -131.967211, 55.497776, -132.250011, 56.369996, -133.539181, 57.178887, -134.078063, 58.123068, -135.038211, 58.187715, -136.628062, 58.212209, -137.800006, 58.499995, -139.867787, 59.537762, -140.825274, 59.727517, -142.574444, 60.084447, -143.958881, 59.99918, -145.925557, 60.45861, -147.114374, 60.884656, -148.224306, 60.672989, -148.018066, 59.978329, -148.570823, 59.914173, -149.727858, 59.705658, -150.608243, 59.368211, -151.716393, 59.155821, -151.859433, 59.744984, -151.409719, 60.725803, -150.346941, 61.033588, -150.621111, 61.284425, -151.895839, 60.727198, -152.57833, 60.061657, -154.019172, 59.350279, -153.287511, 58.864728, -154.232492, 58.146374, -155.307491, 57.727795, -156.308335, 57.422774, -156.556097, 56.979985, -158.117217, 56.463608, -158.433321, 55.994154, -159.603327, 55.566686, -160.28972, 55.643581, -161.223048, 55.364735, -162.237766, 55.024187, -163.069447, 54.689737, -164.785569, 54.404173, -164.942226, 54.572225, -163.84834, 55.039431, -162.870001, 55.348043, -161.804175, 55.894986, -160.563605, 56.008055, -160.07056, 56.418055, -158.684443, 57.016675, -158.461097, 57.216921, -157.72277, 57.570001, -157.550274, 58.328326, -157.041675, 58.918885, -158.194731, 58.615802, -158.517218, 58.787781, -159.058606, 58.424186, -159.711667, 58.93139, -159.981289, 58.572549, -160.355271, 59.071123, -161.355003, 58.670838, -161.968894, 58.671665, -162.054987, 59.266925, -161.874171, 59.633621, -162.518059, 59.989724, -163.818341, 59.798056, -164.662218, 60.267484, -165.346388, 60.507496, -165.350832, 61.073895, -166.121379, 61.500019, -165.734452, 62.074997, -164.919179, 62.633076, -164.562508, 63.146378, -163.753332, 63.219449, -163.067224, 63.059459, -162.260555, 63.541936, -161.53445, 63.455817, -160.772507, 63.766108, -160.958335, 64.222799, -161.518068, 64.402788, -160.777778, 64.788604, -161.391926, 64.777235, -162.45305, 64.559445, -162.757786, 64.338605, -163.546394, 64.55916, -164.96083, 64.446945, -166.425288, 64.686672, -166.845004, 65.088896, -168.11056, 65.669997, -166.705271, 66.088318, -164.47471, 66.57666, -163.652512, 66.57666, -163.788602, 66.077207, -161.677774, 66.11612, -162.489715, 66.735565, -163.719717, 67.116395, -164.430991, 67.616338, -165.390287, 68.042772, -166.764441, 68.358877, -166.204707, 68.883031, -164.430811, 68.915535, -163.168614, 69.371115, -162.930566, 69.858062, -161.908897, 70.33333, -160.934797, 70.44769, -159.039176, 70.891642, -158.119723, 70.824721, -156.580825, 71.357764, -155.06779, 71.147776}

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