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Data from: Release and establishment of the weevil Mecinus janthiniformis for biological control of Dalmatian toadflax in southern California

Metadata Updated: March 30, 2024

We monitored populations of the stem weevil, Mecinus janthiniformis, the invasive alien weed Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica) and other vegetation to document the impact of using M. janthiniformis as a biological control agent of L. dalmatica. Weevils were released in 2008 and again in 2014 after a wild fire. The results document increases and spread of weevil populations, decrease in Dalmatian toadflax and changes in cover of some vegetation classes. Resources in this dataset:Resource Title: Consolidated data dictionary. File Name: consolidated_HV_meta.csvResource Description: Description of variables in Condensed_HV data fileResource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: Consolidated data. File Name: consolidated_HV.csvResource Description: Condensed data for each site by year for plant size, weevil density, vegetation cover and meteorological data, 2008-2019.Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: Cover_2008 data dictionary. File Name: cover_2008_HV_meta.csvResource Description: description of variables in the file cover_2008_HVResource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: vegetation cover 2008. File Name: cover_2008_HV.csvResource Description: vegetation cover 2008-2011Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: vegetation cover 2013 data dictionary. File Name: cover_2013_HV_meta.csvResource Description: description of variables in the file cover_2013_HV, which contains vegetation cover 2013-2019Resource Title: vegetation cover 2013. File Name: cover_2013_HV.csvResource Description: vegetation cover 2013-2019Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: dissections 2009 data dictionary. File Name: dissections_2009_HV_meta.csvResource Description: Description of variables in the file dissections_2009_HV, containing dissections of toadflax stems 2009-2011Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: dissections 2009-2011. File Name: dissections_2009_HV.csvResource Description: Data from dissection of toadflax stems 2009-2011Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: dissections 2012 data dictionary. File Name: dissections_2012_HV_meta.csvResource Description: description of variables in the file dissections_2012_HV, containing data from dissections of toadflax stems 2012-2019Resource Title: dissections 2012-2019. File Name: dissections_2012_HV.csvResource Description: data from dissection of toadflax stems 2012-2019Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: stem_counts data dictionary. File Name: stem_counts_HV_meta.csvResource Description: description of variables in the file stem_counts_HV, which contains data on number of toadflax stems in 25 x 50 cm quadrats, 2008-2013Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: stem_counts. File Name: stem_counts_HV.csvResource Description: Number of toadflax stems in 25 x 50 cm quadrats, 2008-2013Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: stem_height data dictionary. File Name: stem_height_HV_meta.csvResource Description: description of variables in the file stem_height_HV.csv, which contains data on height of live Linaria dalmatica stems, 2008-2019Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url: Resource Title: stem_height. File Name: stem_height_HV.csvResource Description: height of live stems of Linaria dalmatica, 2008-2019Resource Software Recommended: Microsoft Excel,url:

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: us-pd

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Metadata Created Date March 30, 2024
Metadata Updated Date March 30, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from USDA JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date March 30, 2024
Metadata Updated Date March 30, 2024
Publisher Agricultural Research Service
Identifier 10.15482/USDA.ADC/1522564
Data Last Modified 2023-11-30
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 005:18
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 611f50cb-6eea-47e6-97d8-cbf4ca1c7ad6
Harvest Source Id d3fafa34-0cb9-48f1-ab1d-5b5fdc783806
Harvest Source Title USDA JSON
Old Spatial {"type": "Point", "coordinates": -118.89994, 34.788891}
Program Code 005:040
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 52d5d4634b361cf9b73d8ef590938b9c0e8539613ec8abc3902408c0cc920e86
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Point", "coordinates": -118.89994, 34.788891}

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