Reproductive output and behavioral data from stored-product pest insects exposed to long-lasting insecticide treated netting. Includes offspring output and survival for Trogoderma variabile (treated as larvae) and Tribolium castaneum (treated as adults). Resources in this dataset:Resource Title: Reproductive Output for female T. castaneum exposed to LLIN. File Name: Female_Exposed_Reproductive_Output_RFB.csvResource Description: Exposure = Treated (LLIN) or untreated netting; AgeClass = Day post-pairing (mating); Rep = Replicate; BlockA - Block F = Individual mating pairs, started on different weeks, value is the total adult progeny produced. Females were exposed at 7 days post-pupal emergence and then immediately paired with a virgin male. Resource Title: Reproductive Output for female T. variabile exposed to LLIN. File Name: Female_Exposed_Reproductive_Output_WB.csvResource Description: Exposure = Control or Treated (LLIN); Block = started on different weeks; Rep = Replicate within a block; Day = day individual pairs were transferred to new vials; Progeny_Total = total adult progeny produced from the mating pairs. T. variabile larvae were exposed to LLIN for 5-mins. Post-pupal emergence, females were paired with a non-treated virgin male.Resource Title: Behavioral interactions of T. castaneum females exposed to LLIN. File Name: interactions_long_female_exposed.csvResource Description: Rep = replicate; Beetle = specific beetle observed, beetles were assayed in a petri dish separated into 4 quarters, the quarters did not interact with one another; Treatment = Control or Treated (LLIN); Interation_Initiated_By = which individual (or both) initiated the interaction (females were painted on their thorax); Duration = duration of interaction; Duration_seconds = duration of interaction in seconds; Copulation = A is attempted (male attempts to mount female), N = No, Y= Yes (male mounts female). Females were exposed for 5-min to LLIN for treated assays. Assay was recorded for 1 hour.Resource Title: Behavioral interactions of T. castaneum males exposed to LLIN. File Name: interactions_long_male_exposed.csvResource Description: Rep = replicate; Beetle = specific beetle observed, beetles were assayed in a petri dish separated into 4 quarters, the quarters did not interact with one another; Treatment = Control or Treated (LLIN); Interation_Initiated_By = which individual (or both) initiated the interaction (females were painted on their thorax); Duration = duration of interaction; Duration_seconds = duration of interaction in seconds; Copulation = A is attempted (male attempts to mount female), N = No, Y= Yes (male mounts female). Males were exposed for 5-min to LLIN for treated assays. Assay was recorded for 1 hour.Resource Title: Reproductive Output of female T. variabile paired to males exposed to LLIN. File Name: Male_Exposure_Reproductive_Output_WB.csvResource Description: Exposure = Control or Treated (LLIN); Block = Started on different weeks; Rep = replicate within a block; week = week that mating pairs were in a vial; Total Progeny = the total adult progeny produced by a single mating pair. Larvae were exposed to LLIN and paired as adults 1-3 days post-pupal emergence with an unexposed virgin female.Resource Title: Reproductive Output of female T. castaneum paired to males exposed to LLIN. File Name: Male_Exposure_Reproductive_Output_RFB.csvResource Description: Exposure = Control or Treated (LLIN); Block = Started on different weeks; Rep = replicate within a block; week = week that mating pairs were in a vial; Total Progeny = the total adult progeny produced by a single mating pair. Males were exposed at 7 days old and immediately paired with an unexposed virgin female.Resource Title: Survivorship of males exposed to LLIN. File Name: Male_Exposure_Survivorship_RFB_WB.csvResource Description: Week = week that mating pair was in a given vial; percent_alive = percent of males alive at each week, of total replicates and blocks assayed; exposure = control or treatment (LLIN); Species = RFB (Tribolium castaneum) and WB (Trogoderma variabile). Male T. castaneum were exposed to LLIN as adults at 7 days old and immediately paired with a virgin female; male T. variabile were exposed to LLIN as larvae and then paired 1-3 days after adult emergence with a virgin female.Resource Title: Survivorship of females exposed to LLIN. File Name: survivorship_RFB_WB_stacked.csvResource Description: Exposure = Treatment (LLIN) or control; block = started on different weeks; rep = replicate within a block; Longevity = day that the female died; Species = RFB (Tribolium castaneum) and WB (Trogoderma variabile). Female T. castaneum were exposed as adults at 7 days old and immediately paired with a virgin male; female T. variabile were exposed as larvae and paired at 1-3 days emergence as adults to a virgin male.Resource Title: Time for T. castaneum to fall through netting. File Name: suspended_netting_data_RFB.csvResource Description: Arena = individual suspended netting arena; Block = assayed on different days; Time = Time (seconds) for adult beetle to fall through netting; Beetle = individual beetle assayed within an arena; Treatment = Control (untreated) and Treated (LLIN). Mixed sex adult beetles (< 30 days old) were assayed with 5 beetles within an arena. Three arenas were observed at the same time.Resource Title: Time for T. variabile to fall through netting. File Name: suspended_netting_data_WB.csvResource Description: Arena = individual suspended netting arena; Block = assayed on different days; Time = Time (seconds) for adult beetle to fall through netting; Beetle = individual beetle assayed within an arena; Treatment = Control (untreated) and Treated (LLIN). Mixed sex mid-stage larvae were assayed with 5 larvae within an arena. Three arenas were observed at the same time.