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AGWA - Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool

Metadata Updated: March 30, 2024

The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) tool is a GIS-based hydrologic modeling tool that uses commonly available GIS data layers to fully parameterize, execute, and spatially visualize results for the RHEM, KINEROS2, KINEROS-OPUS, SWAT2000, and SWAT2005 watershed runoff and erosion models. Accommodating novice to expert GIS users, it is designed to be used by watershed, water resource, land use, and resource managers and scientists investigating the hydrologic impacts of land-cover/land-use change in small watershed to basin-scale studies. AGWA is currently available as AGWA 1.5 for ArcView 3.x, AGWA 2.x for ArcGIS 9.x, and AGWA 3.X for ArcGIS 10.x. Planning and assessment in land and water resource management are evolving from simple, local-scale problems toward complex, spatially explicit regional ones. Such problems have to be addressed with distributed models that can compute runoff and erosion at different spatial and temporal scales. The extensive data requirements and the difficult task of building input parameter files, however, have long represented an obstacle to the timely and cost-effective use of such complex models by resource managers. The USDA- ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center, in cooperation with the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development Landscape Ecology Branch, the University of Arizona, and the University of Wyoming, has developed a GIS tool to facilitate this process. A geographic information system (GIS) provides the framework within which spatially-distributed data are collected and used to prepare model input files and evaluate model results. AGWA uses widely available standardized spatial datasets that can be obtained via the internet. The data are used to develop input parameter files for two watershed runoff and erosion models: KINEROS2 and SWAT. Resources in this dataset:Resource Title: AGWA - Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool. File Name: Web Page, url: Main tool web site

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: Creative Commons CCZero

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Metadata Created Date March 30, 2024
Metadata Updated Date March 30, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from USDA JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date March 30, 2024
Metadata Updated Date March 30, 2024
Publisher Agricultural Research Service
Identifier 10113/AA22460
Data Last Modified 2024-02-13
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 005:18
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id d33062a3-d7c1-487a-81bd-10d54ab970d8
Harvest Source Id d3fafa34-0cb9-48f1-ab1d-5b5fdc783806
Harvest Source Title USDA JSON
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-76.23287, 38.319215, -76.35, 39.15, -76.542725, 38.717615, -76.32933, 38.08326, -76.989998, 38.239992, -76.30162, 37.917945, -76.25874, 36.9664, -75.9718, 36.89726, -75.86804, 36.55125, -75.72749, 35.55074, -76.36318, 34.80854, -77.397635, 34.51201, -78.05496, 33.92547, -78.55435, 33.86133, -79.06067, 33.49395, -79.20357, 33.15839, -80.301325, 32.509355, -80.86498, 32.0333, -81.33629, 31.44049, -81.49042, 30.72999, -81.31371, 30.03552, -80.98, 29.18, -80.535585, 28.47213, -80.53, 28.04, -80.056539, 26.88, -80.088015, 26.205765, -80.13156, 25.816775, -80.38103, 25.20616, -80.68, 25.08, -81.17213, 25.20126, -81.33, 25.64, -81.71, 25.87, -82.24, 26.73, -82.70515, 27.49504, -82.85526, 27.88624, -82.65, 28.55, -82.93, 29.1, -83.70959, 29.93656, -84.1, 30.09, -85.10882, 29.63615, -85.28784, 29.68612, -85.7731, 30.15261, -86.4, 30.4, -87.53036, 30.27433, -88.41782, 30.3849, -89.18049, 30.31598, -89.593831, 30.159994, -89.413735, 29.89419, -89.43, 29.48864, -89.21767, 29.29108, -89.40823, 29.15961, -89.77928, 29.30714, -90.15463, 29.11743, -90.880225, 29.148535, -91.626785, 29.677, -92.49906, 29.5523, -93.22637, 29.78375, -93.84842, 29.71363, -94.69, 29.48, -95.60026, 28.73863, -96.59404, 28.30748, -97.14, 27.83, -97.37, 27.38, -97.38, 26.69, -97.33, 26.21, -97.14, 25.87, -97.53, 25.84, -98.24, 26.06, -99.02, 26.37, -99.3, 26.84, -99.52, 27.54, -100.11, 28.11, -100.45584, 28.69612, -100.9576, 29.38071, -101.6624, 29.7793, -102.48, 29.76, -103.11, 28.97, -103.94, 29.27, -104.45697, 29.57196, -104.70575, 30.12173, -105.03737, 30.64402, -105.63159, 31.08383, -106.1429, 31.39995, -106.50759, 31.75452, -108.24, 31.754854, -108.24194, 31.34222, -109.035, 31.34194, -111.02361, 31.33472, -113.30498, 32.03914, -114.815, 32.52528, -114.72139, 32.72083, -115.99135, 32.61239, -117.12776, 32.53534, -117.295938, 33.046225, -117.944, 33.621236, -118.410602, 33.740909, -118.519895, 34.027782, -119.081, 34.078, -119.438841, 34.348477, -120.36778, 34.44711, -120.62286, 34.60855, -120.74433, 35.15686, -121.71457, 36.16153, -122.54747, 37.55176, -122.51201, 37.78339, -122.95319, 38.11371, -123.7272, 38.95166, -123.86517, 39.76699, -124.39807, 40.3132, -124.17886, 41.14202, -124.2137, 41.99964, -124.53284, 42.76599, -124.14214, 43.70838, -124.020535, 44.615895, -123.89893, 45.52341, -124.079635, 46.86475, -124.39567, 47.72017, -124.68721, 48.184433, -124.566101, 48.379715, -123.12, 48.04, -122.58736, 47.096, -122.34, 47.36, -122.5, 48.18, -122.84, 49, -120, 49, -117.03121, 49, -116.04818, 49, -113, 49, -110.05, 49, -107.05, 49, -104.04826, 48.99986, -100.65, 49, -97.22872, 49.0007, -95.15907, 49, -95.15609, 49.38425, -94.81758, 49.38905, -153.006314, 57.115842, -154.00509, 56.734677, -154.516403, 56.992749, -154.670993, 57.461196, -153.76278, 57.816575, -153.228729, 57.968968, -152.564791, 57.901427, -152.141147, 57.591059, -153.006314, 57.115842, -165.579164, 59.909987, -166.19277, 59.754441, -166.848337, 59.941406, -167.455277, 60.213069, -166.467792, 60.38417, -165.67443, 60.293607, -165.579164, 59.909987, -171.731657, 63.782515, -171.114434, 63.592191, -170.491112, 63.694975, -169.682505, 63.431116, -168.689439, 63.297506, -168.771941, 63.188598, -169.52944, 62.976931, -170.290556, 63.194438, -170.671386, 63.375822, -171.553063, 63.317789, -171.791111, 63.405846, -171.731657, 63.782515, -155.06779, 71.147776, -154.344165, 70.696409, -153.900006, 70.889989, -152.210006, 70.829992, -152.270002, 70.600006, -150.739992, 70.430017, -149.720003, 70.53001, -147.613362, 70.214035, -145.68999, 70.12001, -144.920011, 69.989992, -143.589446, 70.152514, -142.07251, 69.851938, -140.985988, 69.711998, -140.992499, 66.000029, -140.99777, 60.306397, -140.012998, 60.276838, -139.039, 60.000007, -138.34089, 59.56211, -137.4525, 58.905, -136.47972, 59.46389, -135.47583, 59.78778, -134.945, 59.27056, -134.27111, 58.86111, -133.355549, 58.410285, -132.73042, 57.69289, -131.70781, 56.55212, -130.00778, 55.91583, -129.979994, 55.284998, -130.53611, 54.802753, -131.085818, 55.178906, -131.967211, 55.497776, -132.250011, 56.369996, -133.539181, 57.178887, -134.078063, 58.123068, -135.038211, 58.187715, -136.628062, 58.212209, -137.800006, 58.499995, -139.867787, 59.537762, -140.825274, 59.727517, -142.574444, 60.084447, -143.958881, 59.99918, -145.925557, 60.45861, -147.114374, 60.884656, -148.224306, 60.672989, -148.018066, 59.978329, -148.570823, 59.914173, -149.727858, 59.705658, -150.608243, 59.368211, -151.716393, 59.155821, -151.859433, 59.744984, -151.409719, 60.725803, -150.346941, 61.033588, -150.621111, 61.284425, -151.895839, 60.727198, -152.57833, 60.061657, -154.019172, 59.350279, -153.287511, 58.864728, -154.232492, 58.146374, -155.307491, 57.727795, -156.308335, 57.422774, -156.556097, 56.979985, -158.117217, 56.463608, -158.433321, 55.994154, -159.603327, 55.566686, -160.28972, 55.643581, -161.223048, 55.364735, -162.237766, 55.024187, -163.069447, 54.689737, -164.785569, 54.404173, -164.942226, 54.572225, -163.84834, 55.039431, -162.870001, 55.348043, -161.804175, 55.894986, -160.563605, 56.008055, -160.07056, 56.418055, -158.684443, 57.016675, -158.461097, 57.216921, -157.72277, 57.570001, -157.550274, 58.328326, -157.041675, 58.918885, -158.194731, 58.615802, -158.517218, 58.787781, -159.058606, 58.424186, -159.711667, 58.93139, -159.981289, 58.572549, -160.355271, 59.071123, -161.355003, 58.670838, -161.968894, 58.671665, -162.054987, 59.266925, -161.874171, 59.633621, -162.518059, 59.989724, -163.818341, 59.798056, -164.662218, 60.267484, -165.346388, 60.507496, -165.350832, 61.073895, -166.121379, 61.500019, -165.734452, 62.074997, -164.919179, 62.633076, -164.562508, 63.146378, -163.753332, 63.219449, -163.067224, 63.059459, -162.260555, 63.541936, -161.53445, 63.455817, -160.772507, 63.766108, -160.958335, 64.222799, -161.518068, 64.402788, -160.777778, 64.788604, -161.391926, 64.777235, -162.45305, 64.559445, -162.757786, 64.338605, -163.546394, 64.55916, -164.96083, 64.446945, -166.425288, 64.686672, -166.845004, 65.088896, -168.11056, 65.669997, -166.705271, 66.088318, -164.47471, 66.57666, -163.652512, 66.57666, -163.788602, 66.077207, -161.677774, 66.11612, -162.489715, 66.735565, -163.719717, 67.116395, -164.430991, 67.616338, -165.390287, 68.042772, -166.764441, 68.358877, -166.204707, 68.883031, -164.430811, 68.915535, -163.168614, 69.371115, -162.930566, 69.858062, -161.908897, 70.33333, -160.934797, 70.44769, -159.039176, 70.891642, -158.119723, 70.824721, -156.580825, 71.357764, -155.06779, 71.147776}

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