Surface Meteorological Station - ESRL Short Tower, Wasco Airport - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview A diversity of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a... -
California - Auxiliary Datasets for Buoy (130), Morro Bay / Derived Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset compiles results from different model-based hindcasts and instruments that measure environmental variables at the location of the associated... -
Lidar - DOE ARM StreamLine Doppler Lidar (Halo) - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Refer to attached documentation. Data Details Product type should be "derived" not "observed." Data Quality Refer to attached documentation. Uncertainty... -
Microbarograph - ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, John Day - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface,... -
California - Quality-Controlled Reanalysis and Observational Data for Buoy (130), Morro Bay / Derived Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This collection provides spatiotemporally paired reanalysis and satellite data to supplement the lidar buoy observations during the California deployments.... -
Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (130), Morro Bay - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The purpose of this dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged lidar data and standardize the data format of various data streams from the buoy... -
Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (130), Morro Bay - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Deployment off the coast of Morro Bay, California. Data Details Windcube Data Files: lidar.z06.00.20200929.000000.gyro.7z lidar.z06.00.20200929.000000.rtd.7z... -
Buoy - California - Wind Sentinel (130), Morro Bay - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The purpose of the dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged buoy data and standardize the data format of various data streams from the buoy into... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON5 - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
UAE6 - Wind Tunnel Tests Data - UAE6 - Sequence G - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Sequence G: Upwind Teetered (F) Test sequence G used an upwind, teetered turbine with a 0° cone angle. The wind speeds ranged from 5 m/s to 25 m/s. Yaw... -
Radar - ESRL Wind Profiler with RASS, Condon - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Wind Profiler with Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) data. Data Quality Automatic quality control (QC) followed by visual manual QC. -
Radar - ESRL Wind Profiler with RASS, Condon - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Winds A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5... -
Sodar - St. James, MN - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Data Details Datasets are provided as ZIP files that contain all data for the campaign. -
Radar - 915MHz - Mobridge, SD - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Raw data captured from the NOAA ESRL website: https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/obs/data/ Hourly Radar Winds (WwWind) and Temperature (WwTemp) -
Sodar - St. James, MN - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset was produced from the raw sodar .wtb files from the St. James, MN site during the WFIP1 campaign. Quality control and formatting have been... -
Microbarograph - ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, John Day - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface,... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON5 - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Surface Meteorological Station - ESRL Short Tower, Wasco Airport - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview A diversity of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a... -
Lidar - LLNL ZephIR Profiler, Arlington Airport - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview These are 10-min averaged data from a vertical-profiling ZephIR 300 lidar. Data collected at the Arlington airport for the WFIP2 project. March 10, 2016 -... -
Buoy - California - Wind Sentinel (130), Morro Bay - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Deployment off the coast of Morro Bay, California Data Details Buoy Data Files name like: buoy.z06.00.20200929.000000.currents.csv...