Surface-water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity data from nearshore coral reef locations along the west coast of Hawaii Island (2010-2013) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Spatial measurements of water temperature, specific conductance, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity between 0.25 and 0.50 m water depth were collected... -
CTD profile measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 (USGS field activity 2018-663-FA) from October to November 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were collected offshore of California and Oregon from October to November 2018 during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 on the R/V Bell... -
Methane and carbon dioxide concentration data, environmental data, and calculations used to determine sea-air flux on the northern Greenland margin recent views
Department of the Interior —
Determining how much methane and carbon dioxide cross the sea-air interface is critical when assessing marine greenhouse gas fluxes. This assessment is particularly... -
Sound velocity vs. depth plots and CTD cast data collected in April 2021 offshore Santa Cruz, California during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA recent views
Department of the Interior —
Sound velocity and CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) cast data were collected at 9 sites offshore Santa Cruz, CA during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA in April... -
Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA Ship Lasker R-19-05 (USGS field activity 2019-672-FA) from October to November 2019 (ver. 2.0, July 2022) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Various water column variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, radio-carbon isotopes were... -
Time-series measurements of oceanographic and water quality data collected in the Herring River, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, USA, November 2018 to November 2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Restoration in the tidally restricted Herring River Estuary in Wellfleet, MA benefits from understanding pre-restoration sediment transport conditions. Submerged... -
Conductivity, temperature and salinity time-series data collected in 2009 in the vicinity of Wainwright, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
Measurements of conductivity and temperature were collected with a high-accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder (Seabird SBE37 microcat) in approximately 10 m... -
CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-074-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 1, 2015 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall... -
CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on Stellwagen Bank during six surveys aboard the R/V Auk, May 2016 to April 2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is... -
CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-055-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 23 and 24, 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall... -
CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-066-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 10, 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall... -
Ground temperature time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July... -
Time-series oceanographic data collected off Makua, Kauai, USA, August 2016 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Time-series data of water-surface elevation, wave height, water-column currents, temperature were acquired for 6 days off the north coast of the island of Kauai,... -
The Massachusetts Bay Internal Wave Experiment, August 1998: Data Report recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data report presents oceanographic observations made in Massachusetts Bay in August 1998 as part of the Massachusetts Bay Internal Wave Experiment (MBIWE98).... -
Oceanographic time-series measurements collected in Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA, 2019 to 2021 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Bottom-landing and floating platforms with instrumentation to measure currents, waves, water level, optical turbidity, water temperature, and conductivity were... -
Wave time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July... -
CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data collected October-November 2019 offshore of California and Oregon recent views
Department of the Interior —
CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were collected October-November 2019 offshore of California and Oregon as part of the ongoing EXPRESS: Expanding Pacific... -
CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-043-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Aug. 22 and 23, 2017 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This field activity is part of an effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall... -
Conductivity, temperature and depth time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July... -
Time-series measurements of pressure, conductivity, temperature, and water level collected in Puget Sound and Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA, 2018 to 2021 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Pressure, conductivity, temperature, and water level relative the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) were measured at seven locations in Puget Sound and...