The EPA Automotive Trends Report: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Technology since 1975 recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This annual report is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) commitment to provide the public with information about new light-duty vehicle... -
Select Summary Statistics Dashboard data recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Summary Statistics dashboard includes rural and urban measures for roadway mileage, lane miles, vehicle miles traveled, fatalities, and fatality rate. -
Employee Reimbursements Through Payroll System recent views
City of Chicago —
Employees may be reimbursed for expenses through two mechanisms. This dataset shows reimbursements through the payroll system. See... -
California State Fleet recent views
State of California —
This dataset contains information on all non-confidential assets within the California State Vehicle Fleet. The purpose of this data is to provide vehicle information... -
Highway Mileage: Beginning 2008 recent views
State of New York —
The Highway Mileage Report is an annual publication that lists the mileage of roadway and maintenance jurisdiction/ownership of roadways within each municipality of... -
Great Smoky Mountains National Park Trails Distance Points recent views
Department of the Interior —
Shows the mid-trail-segment distance between each trail intersection based on 3D line length. Not to be confused with mid-trail distance. -
2015 HPMS - Dynamically Segmented recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) compiles data on highway network extent, use, condition, and performance. The system consists of a...