USGS National Geologic Map Database Collection NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) is a Congressionally mandated national archive of geoscience maps, reports, and stratigraphic information. The Geologic... -
Geologic map of South Asia (geo8ag) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set is the digital geologic layer for the map of South Asia. The data set includes arcs, polgons, polygon labels, and attributes for geology, faults,... -
South America Geologic Map (geo6ag) recent views
Department of the Interior —
South America is part of Region 6 (Central and South America) for the World Energy Assessment. The geologic map of South America was digitized so that we could use... -
Bedrock geology of the Arabian Peninsula and selected adjacent areas (geo2bg) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The data set for this coverage includes arcs, polygons, and polygon labels that outline and describe the general geologic age and type of bedrock of the Arabian... -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (NPS, GRD, GRI, FONE, FRHI, FACO digital map) adapted from a Pennsylvania Geological Survey Water Resource Report map by McElroy (1988) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Fayette County, Pennsylvania is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the following GRI-supported GIS data... -
Generalized Geology of Southeast Asia (geo3bl) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This coverage includes arcs, polygons, and polygon labels that describe the generalized geologic age and type of surface outcrops of bedrock of Southeast Asia... -
Major faults in Iran (flt2cg) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The geology data set for this map includes arcs, polygons, and labels that outline and describe the general geologic age and type of bedrock of Iran. The geologic... -
Generalized Geology of Europe including Turkey (geo4_2l) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This coverage includes arcs, polygons, and polygon labels that describe the generalized geologic age of surface outcrops of bedrock of Europe including Turkey... -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Pinnacles National Park and Vicinity, California (NPS, GRD, GRI, PINN, PINN digital map) adapted from a California Geological Survey Regional Geologic Maps by Wagner, Greene, Saucedo, and Pridmore (2002) and Rosenberg and Wills (2016) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Pinnacles National Park and Vicinity, California is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the following GRI-... -
Generalized Geology of the Former Soviet Union (geo1ec) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The data set outlines and describes the general geologic age and type of bedrock of the Former Soviet Union and selected adjacent areas. It also includes shoreline... -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Olympic National Park and Vicinity, Washington (NPS, GRD, GRI, OLYM, OLYM digital map) adapted from Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report maps by Gerstel, Logan, Schasse and Lingley and other Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Staff (2000, 2003 and 2005) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Olympic National Park and Vicinity, Washington is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the following GRI-... -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of San Miguel Island, California (NPS, GRD, GRI, CHIS, SMIS digital map) adapted from a American Association of Petroleum Geologists Field Trip Guidebook map by Weaver and Doerner (1969) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of San Miguel Island, California is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the following GRI-supported GIS data... -
Digital Surficial Geologic-GIS Map of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (NPS, GRD, GRI, MORA, MORA_surficial digital map) adapted from a U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin map by Crandell (1969) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Surficial Geologic-GIS Map of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the following... -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and Vicinity, Alaska (NPS, GRD, GRI, GLBA, GLBA digital map) adapted from a U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map by Wilson, Hults, Mull and Karl (2015) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and Vicinity, Alaska is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the... -
Digital Geomorphic-GIS Map of Gulf Islands National Seashore (5-meter accuracy and 1-foot resolution 2006-2007 mapping), Mississippi and Florida (NPS, GRD, GRI, GUIS, GUIS_geomorphology digital map) adapted from U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report maps by Morton and Rogers (2009) and Morton and Montgomery (2010) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geomorphic-GIS Map of Gulf Islands National Seashore (5-meter accuracy and 1-foot resolution 2006-2007 mapping), Mississippi and Florida is composed of... -
South America Province Boundaries, 1999 (prv6ag) recent views
Department of the Interior —
South America is part of Region 6 (Central and South America) for the World Energy Assessment. South America was divided into 107 geologic provinces as background for... -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of the Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho (NPS, GRD, GRI, YELL, YELL digital map) adapted from U.S. Geological Survey maps by Christiansen, Blank, Prostka, Smedes, Pierce, the U.S. Geological Survey, Elliot, Nelson, Wahl, Witkind, Love and others (1956 to 2007), and a Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology map by Berg, Lonn and Locke (1999) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of the Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available... -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Yosemite National Park and Vicinity, California (NPS, GRD, GRI, YOSE, YOSE digital map) adapted from U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Maps by Bateman, Kistler, Huber, Dodge, Krauskopf, Peck and others (1965, 1966, 1968, 1971, 1980, 1985, 1987, 1989 and 2002), Miscellaneous Field Studies Maps by Huber (1983), and Bateman and Krauskopf (1987) and a Geologic Investigations Series Map by Wahrhaftig (2000), and a California Geological Survey Map Sheet map by Chesterman (1975 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Yosemite National Park and Vicinity, California is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the following GRI-... -
Fallon FORGE: Well Data, Geophysical Data, and Geologic Maps recent views
Department of Energy —
The data is associated to the Fallon FORGE project and includes mudlogs for all wells used to characterize the subsurface, as wells as gravity, magnetotelluric,...