Collection Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) Transactions by State Data Collection recent views
Social Security Administration —
This dataset represents the results of the 4-digit match performed using the Social Security - Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) system. -
TTB Public COLA Registry Search and Download – Extract data about COLAs that meet specified search criteria recent views
Department of the Treasury —
Locate, view and download the details associated with approved, expired, surrendered, or revoked Certificate of Label Approvals (COLAs), via the COLA Public Registry. -
National Archives Catalog and API recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
The National Archives Catalog is the online catalog of NARA's nationwide holdings in the Washington, DC area, Regional Archives, and Presidential Libraries. -
USDA Active Purchase Card Holders recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The list of Active Purchase Card Holders is the most up-to-date list of USDA card holders, along with their contact information (i.e. name, address and e-mail address). -
Recent SSA Headquarters Contracting History recent views
Social Security Administration —
This is a list of awards made by the Office of Acquisition and Grants, the contracting office for the Social Security Administration. Modifications to awards and call... -
Inspector General webpage recent views
Department of Energy —
Office of Inspector General mission is to help the Department and the American taxpayer by: --Identifying opportunities for cost savings and operational efficiencies... -
SSI Applications in Underserved ZIP Codes - FY 2021-2023 recent views
Social Security Administration —
This collection of data (dataset) provides information on SSI receipts for applicants from underserved ZIP codes for federal fiscal years 2021-2023 by geographic... -
TTB Public COLA Registry – View the details of a specific Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) recent views
Department of the Treasury —
Locate and view the approved, expired, surrendered, or revoked Certificate of Label Approval (COLA), via the COLA Public Registry. The URL needs to be followed by the... -
TSA Claims Data (Calendar Years 2002-2017) recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
A collection of TSA Claims Data from 2002 to 2017 in the DHS Publication Library. -
DOE Hearings and Appeals Case Decisions recent views
Department of Energy —
The Office of Hearings and Appeals (HG) is the quasi-judicial arm of the Department of Energy that conducts hearings and issues initial Departmental decisions with... -
USDA Purchase Card Transaction Report recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Purchase Card Transaction Report list all transactions for a specific period of time. The Purchase Card Transaction Report lists specific purchase... -
EOIR Case Data recent views
Department of Justice —
In 2008, EOIR began receiving requests from a university-affiliated data clearinghouse for large, raw data files from the agency’s case file electronic database. As... -
Frequently Requested Listings recent views
Department of the Treasury —
As part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we are required to make available to the public records that are requested and released on a frequent basis. With... -
Enumeration Accuracy - FY 2006-2015 recent views
Social Security Administration —
This dataset provides data at the national level from federal fiscal years 2006-2015 for the accuracy of the assignment of Social Security numbers (SSN) based on an... -
Representation at Social Security Hearings recent views
Social Security Administration —
This dataset provides information on the percentage of claimants at OHO hearings who were represented either by an attorney or by a non-attorney representative. This... -
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fee Schedule recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
This is the Department of Veterans Affairs, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) fee schedule. It provides information regarding the fee associated with... -
FOIA - TSA Contact Center Traveler Complaints Data Asset recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
This is the collection of data sets for the Freedom of Information Act - TSA Contact Center Traveler Complaints from February 2019 to present. FOIA requests posted to... -
SSA State Agency Workload Data recent views
Social Security Administration —
The dataset is revised and expanded from 4 to 71 data fields. It includes monthly data from October 2000 onwards for SSA disability cases that were referred to the... -
Collection Administrative Law Judge Opinions issued by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration recent views
Department of Transportation —
FOIA Electronic Reading Room - Final Opinions/Orders in Adjudicated Cases -
FOIA - Law Enforcement / Federal Air Marshal Service recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
FOIA requests posted to the FOIA electronic reading room for the Law Enforcement/Federal Air Marshal category.