2023 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow... -
2021 Green Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by green taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a green... -
2020 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow... -
TLC New Driver Application Status recent views
City of New York —
THIS DATASET IS UPDATED SEVERAL TIMES PER DAY. TLC Driver application status check for applicants who had applied for a new TLC driver’s license. For more... -
2021 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow... -
2020 Green Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by green taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a green... -
Taxi and For Hire Vehicle (FHV) Relief Stands recent views
City of New York —
This data details the location of the Taxi and For Hire Vehicle(FHV) stands and the number of spaces provided. Taxi and FHV relief stands allow drivers to park their... -
2023 Green Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by green taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a green... -
2023 For Hire Vehicles Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the For-Hire Vehicle (“FHV”) Trip Record submissions made by traditional livery, luxury, and black car bases. The FHV trip records... -
2018 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow... -
For Hire Vehicles (FHV) - Active Drivers recent views
City of New York —
PLEASE NOTE: This dataset, which includes all TLC licensed for-hire drivers which are in good standing and able to drive, is updated every day in the evening between... -
2017 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow... -
2019 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow... -
2016 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow... -
2022 For Hire Vehicles Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the For-Hire Vehicle (“FHV”) Trip Record submissions made by traditional livery, luxury, and black car bases. The FHV trip records... -
2022 Green Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by green taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a green... -
2019 Green Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by green taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a green... -
2020 High Volume FHV Trip Records recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by High Volume For-Hire Vehicle (FHV) bases. On August 14, 2018, Mayor de Blasio signed Local Law... -
2009 Yellow Taxi Trip Data recent views
City of New York —
These records are generated from the trip record submissions made by yellow taxi Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Each row represents a single trip in a yellow...