FWS Critical Habitat for Threatened and Endangered Species Dataset NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
When a species is proposed for listing as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must consider whether there... -
Species of Greatest Conservation Need National Database recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Species of Greatest Conservation Need National Database is an aggregation of lists from State Wildlife Action Plans. Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN)... -
Biodiversity by County - Distribution of Animals, Plants and Natural Communities recent views
State of New York —
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) collects and maintains several datasets on the locations, distribution and status of species of plants and... -
Pesticide Registration Information System recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
PRISM provides an integrated, web portal for all pesticide related data, communications, registrations and transactions for OPP and its stakeholders, partners and... -
Species List and Federally-listed Status of Native Plant Species Used in Spatial Prioritization for Lanai Island, 2021 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Broadly, recovery of threatened and endangered species requires specific management actions by natural resource managers at a fine scale. We used a systematic... -
Expert opinion questionnaire regarding the importance of climate in determining species distribution for 15 threatened and endangered species in Florida recent views
Department of the Interior —
We developed an expert opinion questionnaire to gather information regarding expert opinion regarding the importance of climate variables in determining a species... -
Genotype Data for Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) from Bois Blanc Island, Michigan at 15 Microsatellite DNA Loci recent views
Department of the Interior —
We investigated fine-scale genetic patterns of the federally threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) on a relatively undisturbed island in... -
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park Orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly oviposition sites, 2016-2017 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents substrates on which female Orangeblack Hawaiian damselfies (Megalagrion xanthomelas) displayed... -
Microsatellite genotypes and DNA yield of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data consist of genotypes for pallid sturgeon and paddlefish broodstock and artificially-produced larvae at 19 sturgeon microsatellite loci and four paddlefish loci.... -
Tagging date, site, turtle size, and migration and foraging behavioral data for loggerheads (Caretta caretta) nesting at three sites in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011–2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Tagging information, including migration and foraging behavioral data, for female reproductive loggerhead marine turtles (Caretta caretta) that were satellite tagged... -
Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Arizona Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii arizonae), restriction site-associated DNA sequencing data (ddRADseq) throughout California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, USA (2010-2021) recent views
Department of the Interior —
We generated restriction site-associated DNA sequencing data for the federally endangered Least Bell's Vireo and its sister subspecies, the Arizona Bell's Vireo. We... -
Rail potential habitat, Salton Sea, California, 2016 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data include potential Yuma Ridgway’s rail (Rallus obsoletus yumanensis) habitat classified from concurrently occurring Landsat images taken during telemetry... -
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) surveys in San Diego County, California, 2021 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data presented are results of surveys in 2021 for Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) in San Diego County, California. Surveys were conducted... -
qPCR amplification data for tissue and water samples collected from Glacier National Park in 2020 amplified with a Lednia tumana specific assay recent views
Department of the Interior —
Tabular amplification data for individual technical replicates of tissue and water samples collected from Glacier National Park in 2020 and amplified with a Lednia... -
Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California, 2024 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data presented are results of surveys for California Gnatcatchers and vegetation sampling conducted in 2024 to address two inter-related questions: (1) How have... -
Piping plover breeding habitat selection in the Northern Great Plains, USA, 2014 – 2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
We present a tabular data set representing values used to evaluate hypotheses of breeding habitat selection for immigrants and returning Northern Great Plains piping... -
Piping plover hatch-year survival and natal dispersal probabilities in the Northern Great Plains, USA 2014-2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
We present a tabular data set representing values to estimate apparent hatch-year survival to adulthood and natal dispersal probabilities between two breeding groups... -
Whooping crane migration habitat selection data and distance to wind-energy infrastructure, 2010–2016 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were developed to support an effort to understand how whooping cranes select stopover habitat in the presence of wind-energy infrastructure. Location and... -
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Winter Colony Count Analysis recent views
Department of the Interior —
Through the North American Bat Monitoring Program, Bat Conservation International and U.S Geological Survey (USGS) provided technical and science support to... -
Interagency Ecological Program and US Fish and Wildlife Service: San Francisco Estuary Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring Program data, 2016-2023 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring Program (EDSM) was initiated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2016. EDSM focuses on providing real-time data to help...