Procurement - Awarded Contracts & Amendments recent views
Cook County of Illinois —
Click on the link to see or download a PDF of the contract. This dataset contains new contracts and amendments. Amendments may be contract extensions, renewals,... -
Procurement - Bid Tabulations Archive recent views
Cook County of Illinois —
This is an archive of bid tabulations before June 2016. For current bid tabulations see https://datacatalog.cookcountyil.gov/d/32au-zaqn. The bid tabulations provided... -
Austin Finance Online recent views
City of Austin —
Austin Finance Online is the City of Austin's Financial Services Departments financial transparency application. Austin Finance Online (AFO) provides citizens,... -
FY17 BID Trends Report Data recent views
City of New York —
Business improvement district (BID) program/service output and expense data from FY17 -
Official and Unofficial Bid Items recent views
City of Austin —
The Official and Unofficial Bid Items dataset displays advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings from the official sources of The... -
R8-Testing-Project Information recent views
City of Austin —
The Project Information dataset displays detailed project information such as location, type of work, and estimated cost for projects scheduled for letting within... -
Bid Tabulations (Historical) recent views
City of New York —
Bids received in response to Competitive Sealed Bid (CSB) solicitations are opened publicly, at the time, date, and place designated in the Invitation for Bid (IFB).... -
FY18 BID Trends Report Data recent views
City of New York —
Business improvement district (BID) program/service output and expense data from FY18. -
FY19 BID Trends Report Data recent views
City of New York —
Business improvement district (BID) program/service output and expense data from FY19. -
FY16 BID Trends Report Data recent views
City of New York —
Business improvement district (BID) program/service output and expense data from FY16 -
Procurement - Intent to Execute recent views
Cook County of Illinois —
This dataset provides the list of vendors and contracts to be executed by the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer and is updated 3 days before award. M/W/DBE... -
Recapitulation recent views
City of Austin —
The Recapitulation dataset displays the data of summarized and consolidated information related to a construction contract. This recapitulation includes information... -
Plan Holders (TEST ONLY) recent views
City of Austin —
The Plan Holders dataset includes information such as vendor’s name, proposal request, State Project Number and let type. -
R8-Testing-Official Unofficial Bid Item recent views
City of Austin —
The Official and Unofficial Bid Items dataset displays advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings from the official sources of The... -
Archived Project Information recent views
City of Austin —
The Archived Project Information dataset displays detailed project information such as location, type of work, and estimated cost for projects scheduled for letting... -
Interest Rate Statistics - Daily Treasury Real Long Term Rate Averages recent views
Department of the Treasury —
Long Term Real Rate Average: The Long-Term Real Rate Average is the unweighted average of bid real yields on all outstanding TIPS with remaing maturities of more than... -
FY20 BID Trends Report Data recent views
City of New York —
Business improvement district (BID) program/service output and expense data from FY20 -
Procurement - Intent to Award Archive recent views
Cook County of Illinois —
This dataset provides an archive list of vendors to be recommended for award at the Cook County Board Meetings and are posted below for public viewing. Intent to... -
BP Appointments - BIDS recent views
City of New York —
This dates set represents BIDS in the Borough of Brooklyn. The data is collected to keep track of the BIDS, which includes there leadership, address, contact,... -
Procurement - Intent to Execute Archive recent views
Cook County of Illinois —
This dataset provides an archive list of vendors and contracts to be executed by the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer. Data starting in June 2016 can be found...