Household Debt by State, County, and MSA recent views
The tables and interactive maps below allow users to explore the ratio of debt to income by state, metropolitan statistical area, and county for each year since 1999. Household... -
Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) recent views
The Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) is normally a triennial cross-sectional survey of U.S. families. The survey data include information on families balance sheets, pensions,... -
Consumer Credit recent views
The G.19 Statistical Release, Consumer Credit, reports outstanding credit extended to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures, excluding loans secured... -
NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database recent views
This database is a joint effort between the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and U.S. Census Bureau's Center for Economic Studies (CES), containing annual industry-... -
Foreign Exchange Rates recent views
The H.10 weekly release contains daily rates of exchange of major currencies against the U.S. dollar. The data are noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers payable in... -
Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization recent views
The Federal Reserve's monthly index of industrial production and the related capacity indexes and capacity utilization rates cover manufacturing, mining, and electric and gas... -
Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States recent views
The H.8 release provides an estimated weekly aggregate balance sheet for all commercial banks in the United States. The release also includes separate balance sheet aggregations... -
Stress Tests and Capital Planning - Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review recent views
The Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) is an annual exercise by the Federal Reserve to assess whether the largest bank holding companies operating in the U.S. have... -
A New Index to Measure U.S. Financial Conditions recent views
An index that can be used to gauge broad financial conditions and assess how these conditions are related to future economic growth. The index is broadly consistent with how the... -
Financial Accounts of the United States recent views
The Financial Accounts of the United States includes data on transactions and levels of financial assets and liabilities, by sector and financial instrument; full balance... -
Hedge Funds recent views
This table shows the aggregate assets and liabilities of hedge funds that file Form PF with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Unlike table B.101.f in the regular Financial... -
Agricultural Finance Databook recent views
The Agricultural Finance Databook is a compilation of various data on current developments in agricultural finance. Large portions of the data come from regular surveys... -
Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking recent views
Since 2013, the Federal Reserve Board has conducted the Survey of Household Economics and Decision-making (SHED), which measures the economic well-being of U.S. households and... -
Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies, Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Large Holding Companies, Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Holding Companies, Financial Statements Employee Stock Ownership Plan Holding Companies, Supplement to the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies recent views
The Financial Statements of Holding Companies (FR Y-9 Reports) collects standardized financial statements from domestic holding companies (HCs). This is pursuant to the Bank... -
Finance Companies recent views
The first table of the G.20 shows seasonally adjusted data for the flows and levels of finance company receivables outstanding. These data include simple annual percent changes... -
Distributional Financial Accounts recent views
The Distributional Financial Accounts (DFAs) provide a quarterly measure of the distribution of U.S. household wealth since 1989, based on a comprehensive integration of... -
Large Commercial Banks recent views
The Federal Reserve Board compiles quarterly data on domestically chartered insured commercial banks that have consolidated assets of $300 million or more and releases the data... -
Money Stock and Debt Measures recent views
The H.6 release, published weekly, provides measures of the monetary aggregates (M1 and M2) and their components.M1 and M2 are progressively more inclusive measures of money: M1... -
Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks recent views
These data are compiled from the quarterly FFIEC (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council) Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income. Data for each calendar... -
Fedwire Securities Services - Data recent views
The Federal Reserve Banks provide the Fedwire Securities Service, a securities settlement system that enables participants to hold, maintain, and transfer Fedwire-eligible...