NDEMU Independent Study Course Information recent views
Descriptions of all National Disaster & Emergency Management University (NDEMU) Independent Study courses including code, title, date, overview, prerequisities, CEUs, and... -
Emergency Management Performance Grants (OPENFEMA) recent views
This dataset contains information on projects supported by Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) recipients and as reported by the recipient in the Grant Reporting Tool... -
Public Assistance Grant Award Activities (Factrax) recent views
This record description is for the FEMA Applicant Case Tracker (Fac-trax - Grants Manager) portion of the unioned query required due to migration of Public Assistance (PA)... -
Hazard Mitigation Plan Statuses (OpenFEMA) recent views
The data found on this page comes from the Hazard Mitigation Planning Program's Mitigation Planning Portal (MPP). The MPP is an online platform for tracking and reporting on... -
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Status Dynamic Map (Geoplatform) recent views
The Mitigation Planning Portal (MPP) is an online platform for tracking and reporting mitigation plans and related data elements across all ten Federal Emergency Management... -
MP Web Content (Drupal/Diamond) recent views
Mitigation Best Practices are stories, articles or case studies about individuals, businesses or communities that undertook successful efforts to reduce or eliminate disaster... -
Hazus Risk Scores and Components recent views
Centralized repository for accessing natural hazard risk information, curated by FEMA's Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Program (NHRAP). Risk assessment resources from the Hazus... -
Hazus Loss Library/Archived Hazus Results recent views
Centralized repository for accessing natural hazard risk information, curated by FEMA's Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Program (NHRAP). Risk assessment resources from the Hazus... -
AALs from the adoption of I-Codes recent views
Local, State, Regional, and National Average Annual Loss data from the adoption of hazard-resistant building codes -
Hazus Data recent views
Default Hazus Statewide databases used for baseline risk assessment.rnrnHazus produces a variety of actionable risk information including physical damage, estimated social... -
Coordinated Needs Management System/New, Validated, and Updated Engineering Miles recent views
FEMA’s Coordinated Needs Management Strategy (CNMS) uses a geospatial database to identify and track flood hazard study lifecycle and mapping needs within the flood hazard... -
Lidar Elevation recent views
Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) is a technology used to create high-resolution models of ground elevation with a vertical accuracy of 10 centimeters (4 inches). rnrnFEMA... -
Flood Risk Products recent views
Flood Risk Products go beyond the basic flood hazard information on regulatory flood hazard products. Flood Risk Products provide a deeper and user-friendly analysis of flood... -
Public Assistance Grant Award Activities recent views
This dataset contains data on Public Assistance project awards (obligations), including the project obligation date(s); dollar amount of Federal Share Obligated for each project... -
Preliminary Damage Assessments recent views
Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDAs) are conducted to enable FEMA — as well as state, local, tribal, and territorial partners — to determine the magnitude of damage and impact... -
No FEAR Act Data (FEMA Statistics) recent views
In 2002, President George W. Bush signed the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act, Public Law 107-174, Title I, General Provisions, Section... -
Letter of Final Determination recent views
A Letter of Final Determination (LFD) is a letter FEMA mails to the Chief Executive Officer of a community stating that a new or updated Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or... -
Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Reports recent views
The Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate (OFIA) publishes its periodic report to provide the public and industry professionals an insight into trends affecting National Flood... -
Coordinated Needs Management Strategy recent views
FEMA’s Coordinated Needs Management Strategy (CNMS) uses a geospatial database to identify and track flood hazard study lifecycle and mapping needs within the flood hazard... -
Congressional Testimony recent views
This dataset contains past congressional testimony and speeches from FEMA administration officials, in PDF format.