DHS Accessibility Requirement Tool (DART) recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
DART is an online self-service tool provided by the OAST to help procurement officials obtain tailored Section 508 requirements language for their solicitations. DART... -
Accessibility Conformance Reporting Tool (ACRT) tool recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
ACRT is a browser-based standalone application for recording accessibility test results from Trusted Testers. All input data will be stored as JSON &/or html... -
OAST Training Portal (Moodle) recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
The OAST Training portal is the Moodle LMS used by OAST to provide online accessible training to the general public, Federal, State, and local agencies. -
DHS Section 508 Playbook recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
The playbook provides guidelines, best practices, and other resources to help integrate accessibility into IT projects throughout the entire lifecycle. The playbook... -
Knowledge Article (ACMS) recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
Knowledge Articles for ACMS services -
Dev-Auto-Pipeline-Ex recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
Accessibility Test Automation Repository: This repository contains test automation scripts and related code arranged in examples for the integration of Section... -
ANDI Bookmarklet for DHS Trusted Tester Training recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
Strictly for training and certification exam purposes, DHS hosts a version of ANDI that is updated only in conjunction with updates to the Trusted Tester training... -
Dev-Automation recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
This repository presents explanations and fully functioning code examples of several semi and fully automated open source accessibility test tools. These tools fall... -
DHSA-TT-200-A recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
Purely for tracking issues related to the Trusted Tester - Training for Web on Windows course -
CsvToMarkdownTable recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
A Simple JavaScript/Node.js CSV to Markdown Table Converter -
a11ybookmarklets recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
In browser JavaScript Bookmarklets or favlets related to accessibility inspection. -
Trusted Tester Process recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
The Trusted Tester process provides a standardized approach for manual inspection of Web and software content for conformance with the Revised Section 508 Standards. -
DHS Connect OAST Website recent views
Department of Homeland Security —
The OAST website provides information about guidelines, best practices, and other resource.