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VT Priority Lake/Pond

Metadata Updated: December 13, 2024

Vermont List of Priority Surface Waters outside CWA Section 303(d) is divided in to 4 parts; Parts B, D, E and F. The four-part list has managed by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) in accordance with the Vermont Surface Water Assessment and Listing Methodology. Each part is considered to be outside the scope of Clean Water Act Section 303(d). PART B. IMPAIRED SURFACE WATERS - NO TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD DETERMINATION REQUIRED - all waters listed in Part B are assessed as impaired and do not require development of a TMDL as described in 40 CFR 130.7. Section 303d of the Federal Clean Water Act does not govern these waters. Impaired waters that do not need a TMDL are those where other pollution control requirements (such as best management practices) required by local, state or federal authority are expected to address all water-pollutant combinations and the Water Quality Standards are expected to be attained in a reasonable period of time. These waters correspond to Category 4b of EPA's Consolidated Assessment Listing Methodology. PART D. SURFACE WATERS WITH COMPLETED AND APPROVED TMDLs - all waters identified on Part D have appeared on a previous version of the Part A-303d List and also have completed and approved TMDLs in place. If future assessments show the impairment has been eliminated, the waters will remain on Part D as a means of TMDL tracking, however, the current assessment status of the water will be noted. These waters correspond to Category 4a of EPA's Consolidated Assessment Listing Methodology. PART E. SURFACE WATERS ALTERED BY EXOTIC SPECIES - waters appearing in Part E are assessed as altered. They represent situations to be given priority for management where aquatic habitat and/or other designated uses have been altered to the extent that one or more designated uses are not supported due to the presence of exotic aquatic species. This list currently includes waters altered by the proliferation of Eurasian watermilfoil, water chestnut, zebra mussels or the presence of alewives. These waters correspond to Category 4c of EPA's Consolidated Assessment Listing Methodology. PART F. SURFACE WATERS ALTERED BY FLOW REGULATION - waters appearing in Part F of the Vermont Priority Waters List are assessed as altered. They represent priority management situations where aquatic habitat and/or other designated uses have been altered by flow regulation to the extent that one or more designated uses are not supported. Alterations arise from flow fluctuation, obstructions, or other manipulations of water levels that originate from hydroelectric facilities or other dam operations or from water withdrawals for industrial or municipal water supply or snowmaking purposes. These waters correspond to Category 4c of EPA's Consolidated Assessment Listing Methodology.�

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

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Metadata Created Date September 2, 2022
Metadata Updated Date December 13, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from Vermont Open Geodata Portal

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date September 2, 2022
Metadata Updated Date December 13, 2024
Publisher ANR - DEC
Data First Published 2016-10-12T20:12:56.000Z
Data Last Modified 2022-05-25T13:09:35.000Z
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Categories Environment, Fresh water, Earth observations
Harvest Object Id 5f4c86f7-96f7-4545-806e-52ace646fdd8
Harvest Source Id 24b4ec67-cad4-4235-b8af-afaa3907ff2e
Harvest Source Title Vermont Open Geodata Portal
Homepage URL
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -73.4623,42.7258,-71.6798,45.2690
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash f66231735b1a8c20b0613fc800ea2cd6cc87f24938cf26c3c614ef8d385d69a8
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -73.4623, 42.7258, -73.4623, 45.2690, -71.6798, 45.2690, -71.6798, 42.7258, -73.4623, 42.7258}

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