Invasive Species recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The Invasive Species layer is created from the ANR Invasive Species database. -
Landfills recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
This data set defines both current and historic landfills/waste disposal storage sites for the State of Vermont. Historic landfills were identified with the... -
Public Water Sources recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
This GIS layer consists of the geographic location of active and inactive public (Community, non-transient non-community and transient non-community) water sources... -
Outdoor Recreation Sites Inventory recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The RECSITES data layer contains a wide range of recreational sites in Vermont. This point data layer includes parks, ski areas, boat access points, and many other... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of Parts of the Huntington, Richmond, Bolton and Waterbury Quadrangles, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital Data from VG95-9A Thompson, PJ�and Thompson, TB, 1995, Digital bedrock geologic map of parts of the Huntington, Richmond, Bolton and Waterbury quadrangles,... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital data from VG2017-5 Wright, S. F., 2017, Surficial Geology and Hydrogeology of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report... -
Indiana Bat (Towns) recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
This dataset includes towns that contain documented hibernacula or summer range occupied by federally endangered Indiana bats. Survey data used to create this dataset... -
Wildlife Management Units recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Dataset delineates the boundaries of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department's wildlife management units by which specific harvested species are managed. The units... -
Act250 Permits recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The dataset includes the geographic location for Act 250 permits issued since the inception of the law in 1970. Base permit numbers only are included; permit... -
Private Wells - Lithology Reports recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Well lithology records in this layer come from the Department of Environmental Conservation's Water Supply Data Composite. Managed by the Water Resources Section in... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Morrisville Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital Data from VG98-1 Springston, G., Kim, J., and Applegate, G.S., 1998,�Digital bedrock geologic map of the Morrisville quadrangle,�Vermont: VGS Open-File Report... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Eden Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital Data from VG98-3 Kim, J, Springston, G, and Gale, M, 1998,�Digital bedrock geologic map of the Eden quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File Report VG98-3, 2... -
salt storage record table recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Mapping of deicing material storage facilities in the Lake Champlain Basin was conducted during the late fall and winter of 2022-23. 126 towns were initially selected... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Mount Mansfield Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital Data from VG2017-2 Thompson, P. J., and Thompson, T. B., 2017, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Mount Mansfield 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Vermont: VGS Open-File... -
Lake/Pond WBIDs and WBID Segments recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The WBIDs and WBID Segments should be used in companion with River Main Stem Waterbodies (WBID) and WBID Watersheds to show the complete WBID cataloging system. -
SGA Phase 2 Assessed Reaches recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The stream geomorphic assessment (SGA) is a physical assessment competed by geomorphologists to determine the condition and sensitivity of a stream. The Phase 2 SGA... -
DFIRM Floodways recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The entire Vermont extent of the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) as acquired 12/15/15 from the FEMA Map Service Center msc.fema.gov upon publication 12/2/2015 and... -
Vermont Biophysical Regions recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The updated VT's Biophyscial Region Map (Ferree 2008), with 9 regions, replaces the older 8 region version from the VT Biodiversity Project (1998). The new... -
Surficial Geologic Map of Town of Monkton, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital data from VG2016-2 Van Hoesen, J., 2016, Surficial geology and hydrogeology of Monkton, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG2016-2, text... -
Fisheries Districts recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
The Fisheries districts data layer is part of a larger dataset that contains administrative boundaries for Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources. The dataset includes...