Community Actions Tracker recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
A database application that tracks projects and milestones for any environmental work associated with Communities and aligned with the Agency's priorities. -
Geospatial Dataset of Wells and Attributes in the New England Groundwater Level Network, 2017 (ver. 1.1, December 2019) recent views
Department of the Interior —
A dataset of well information and geospatial data was developed for 426 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) observation wells in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate short-term (End Point Rate)shoreline change statistics for the South Shore coastal region from Hewitts Cove in Hingham to the Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich (SouthShore_intersects_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Shorelines used to calculate shoreline change statistics from Cape Cod Bay coastal region from the Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich to Long Point in Provincetown (CapeCodBay_shorelines.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Sediment Data Produced by the Bigelow Laboratory (BIGELOW shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The data in this layer are from a number of published and unpublished sets produced by the Bigelow Laboratory. The source projects were conducted primarily to examine... -
New England observed and predicted July stream/river temperature daily range points recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The shapefile contains points with associated observed and predicted July stream/river temperature daily ranges in New England based on a spatial statistical network... -
Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the south shore of Nantucket, MA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics within the Nantucket coastal region including the Nantucket Sound- and Atlantic Ocean- facing coasts of Nantucket, Muskeget and Tuckernuck Islands (Nantucket_intersects_LTw.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics excluding the 1970-1979 and 1994 shorelines within the Elizabeth Islands coastal region from Nonamesset Island southwest of Woods Hole to Cuttyhunk Island north of Martha's Vineyard (ElizabethIslands_intersects_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and long-term linear regression shoreline change statistics without shorelines from 1970-1979 and 1994 within the Martha's Vineyard coastal region including the Vineyard Sound-, Nantucket Sound- and Atlantic Ocean- facing coasts of Martha's Vineyard and Nomans Land (MarthasVineyard_transects_rates_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and short-term (1970-2009) linear regression shoreline change statistics for the Boston coastal region from Carson Beach in South Boston to Weymouth River, including the Boston Harbor Islands (Boston_transects_rates_STlr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate short-term (End Point Rate) shoreline change statistics for the Elizabeth Islands coastal region from Nonamesset Island southwest of Woods Hole to Cuttyhunk Island north of Martha's Vineyard (ElizabethIslands_intersects_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and short-term (1970-2009) end point shoreline change statistics within the Nantucket coastal region including the Nantucket Sound- and Atlantic Ocean- facing coasts of Nantucket, Muskeget and Tuckernuck Islands (Nantucket_transects_rates_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics excluding the 1970's and 1994 shorelines within the Outer Cape Cod coastal region from Long Point in Provincetown to Monomoy Island (OuterCapeCod_intersects_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics excluding the 1970-1979 and 1994 shorelines within the Boston coastal region from Carson Beach in South Boston to Weymouth River, including the Boston Harbor Islands (Boston_intersects_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Climatological wave height, wave period and wave power along coastal areas of the East Coast of the United States and Gulf of Mexico recent views
Department of the Interior —
This U.S. Geological Survey data release provides data on spatial variations in climatological wave parameters (significant wave height, peak wave period, and wave... -
Baselines for the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast by compiling a database... -
Baseline for the coastal region north of Boston, Massachusetts, generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast by compiling a database... -
Historical shoreline positions for the coast of MA, from 1844 - 2014. recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM) launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast by compiling a...