Advanced Reactor Integrated Review Schedule recent views
Advanced Reactor Integrated Schedule Data Source -
Scram Status and Trends Since 2011 recent views
Operating Nuclear Reactor Scrams - Scram status and trends at the Operating Nuclear Reactors since 2011 -
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors ? Operating Reactors Under Active Construction or Deferred Policy recent views
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors ?Operating Reactors Under Active Construction or Deferred Policy -
List of Import and Export Licenses Issued ? Non Appendix P Components guide recent views
List of Import and Export Licenses Issued ? Non Appendix P Components guide -
Operating Reactor Analytics - Findings recent views
Operating Reactor Analytics - Inspection findings for sites by: site, significance, year, cornerstone, Region, and associated cross cutting aspect (CCA). -
Operating Reactor Analytics - Performance Indicators recent views
Operating Reactor Analytics - Performance indicators are well-defined measures of plant performance tracked over time against established thresholds. -
Operating Reactor Analytics - Action Matrix recent views
Operating Reactor Analytics - The action matrix describes the relationship between plant performance and NRC oversight - the agency's regulatory response increases as plant... -
Approved COVID-19 Licensing Requests for Power Reactors recent views
Approved COVID-19 Licensing Requests for Power Reactors -
Approved COVID-19 Licensing Requests for Non-Power Reactors recent views
Approved COVID-19 Licensing Requests for Non-Power Reactors -
Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) - Inspection Findings recent views
Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) - Inspection Findings, provides the color designation of the most significant inspection findings over the previous 4 quarters -
Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) - Action Matrix recent views
Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) - Action Matrix, provides overall plant performance -
Materials Environmental Reviews Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) recent views
This dataset presents information regarding the environmental reviews conducted under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). -
Fire Event Data from Licensee Event Reports recent views
The purpose of this study data is to provide a metric with which to assess the effectiveness of improvements to the U.S. NRC's fire protection regulations in support of Task #5,... -
Performance Indicators of Operating Reactors recent views
A list of Performance Indicators (PI) that are reported to the NRC by licensees at the end of each quarter in accordance with Inspection Manual Chapters (IMC) 0608, "Performance... -
Findings From Fire Inspections recent views
The purpose of this study data is to provide a metric with which to assess the effectiveness of improvements to the U.S. NRC's fire protection regulations in support of Task #5,... -
Status of NRC Regulated Materials Sites Currently Undergoing Decommissioning recent views
A status summary for decommissioning of NRC-regulated complex materials sites in the United States. Available information includes site name, location, and State; current... -
Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs: NRC-Approved for Use by General Licensees recent views
Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs: NRC-Approved for Use by General Licensees -
U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Inspection Reports recent views
Official Correspondence of Nuclear Reactor Inspection Reports -
Generic Issues recent views
A comprehensive record of the status of issues identified since 1978, which involve public health and safety, the common defense and security, or the environment, and which... -
List of Nuclear Materials Licensing Actions Received recent views
A catalog of all Materials Licensing Actions received for review. The catalog lists the name of the entity submitting the license application, their city and state, the license...