The shapefile contains points with associated observed and predicted July stream/river temperature maximum positive daily rate of change in New England based on a spatial statistical network model published in Detenbeck et al. (2016): Detenbeck, N. E., Morrison, A., Abele, R. W. and Kopp, D. (2016), Spatial statistical network models for stream and river temperature in New England, USA. Water Resour. Res. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/2015WR018349). Portions of this dataset are inaccessible because: The dataset is being made available as part of a collection of stream/river temperature model results through EPA's Estuary Data Mapper (publically available application at for discovering, viewing and accessing geospatial data). They can be accessed through the following means: The dataset is being made available as part of a collection of stream/river temperature model results through EPA's Estuary Data Mapper (publically available application at for discovering, viewing and accessing geospatial data). Format: Shapefile.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Detenbeck , N., A. Morrison, R. Abele , and D. Kopp. Spatial statistical network models for stream and river temperature in New England, USA. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 52: 6018–6040, (2016).