Water Quality Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
Water quality data for the Refuge collected by volunteers collected once every two weeks: Turbidity, pH, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Salinity & Temperature. Sampling... -
USGS Water-Quality Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The USGS compiles online access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the... -
USGS Surface-Water Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The USGS compiles online access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the... -
USGS Water Use Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Use Information Program is responsible for compiling and disseminating the nation's water-use data. The USGS works in... -
Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations 1958-2018: Reference. (ver. 3.0, April 2019) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The RVCAT database contains data that have been collected on various vessel operations on the Great Lakes and select connecting waterways. This section of Reference... -
Pacific Island Network 2007-2021 Water Quality Data from 17 Projects as of 2024-12-19 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package was created 2024-12-19 07:14:54 by NPSTORET and includes selected project, location, and result data. Data contained in the Pacific Island Network... -
Water level, temperature, and chemistry in a deep well on the summit of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii recent views
Department of the Interior —
Kilauea, on the Island of Hawaii is one of the world’s most active volcanoes and it hosts one of the densest volcano monitoring networks. A deep well on the southwest... -
Stream Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Responses to Small Dams and Dam Removal in Massachusetts recent views
Department of the Interior —
Small, surface-release dams are ubiquitous across the U.S. and have the potential to alter stream flow, impede sediment and nutrient transport, and fragment biotic... -
BioLake bioclimatic variables based on ERA5-Land lake temperature estimates 1991-2020 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These BioLake raster data provide global estimates (~10.0 x 12.4 km resolution) of twelve bioclimatic variables based on estimated lake temperature. Eleven of these... -
Data collected at Pawtuckaway Beach in Nottingham, New Hampshire, 2015-2017, including data from Escherichia coli (bacteria) samples, and from USGS meteorological and water-quality stations recent views
Department of the Interior —
In the summer of 2014 at Pawtuckaway Beach at Pawtuckaway State Park in Nottingham New Hampshire, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) established a seasonal... -
Water Level, Temperature, and Bathymetry of the Grand Calumet River, Indiana-Illinois, 2017 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Grand Calumet River is located east of Chicago, Illinois and flows east to west across the Indiana-Illinois border to its confluence with the Little Calumet... -
Water temperature in the Lower Missouri River and selected tributaries recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset documents locations of and water temperature recorded by Hobo Water Temp Pro series loggers (Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA) deployed by the USGS... -
Water Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, and Salinity of Lagoons in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, 2017-2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains a table with temperature (°C), raw electrical conductivity (μS/cm), and salinity (psu) measured in Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Lagoons during summers... -
New England observed and predicted July stream/river temperature daily range points recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The shapefile contains points with associated observed and predicted July stream/river temperature daily ranges in New England based on a spatial statistical network... -
Raw and Modified Raw Continuous Resistivity Profile Data Collected in the Corsica River Estuary, Maryland on May 17, 2007 on USGS Cruise 07005 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) into Maryland's Corsica River Estuary was investigated as part of a larger study to determine the importance of nutrient... -
Operation of an electrical barrier to block sea lamprey in the Black Mallard, Michigan, detailing stream temperature, conductivity, discharge, electric field intensity, and animals trapped and killed during 2016, 2017, and 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control is achieved in tributaries to the Laurentian Great Lakes by applying lamprey-specific pesticides (lampricide) to habitats... -
Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and turbidity collected between November 2017 and March 2018 off the west coast of Maui, Hawaii, USA recent views
Department of the Interior —
Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and turbidity collected between November 2017 and March 2018 off the west coast of Maui,... -
Linking multi-media modeling with machine learning to assess and predict lake chlorophyll a concentrations recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The datasets include hydrological parameters such as streamflow, soil moisture and water temperature, and meteorological data such as precipitation, max and min... -
Greater Yellowstone Network Published Water Quality Data through 2023 from the BICAWQ01, GRTEWQ01, and YELLWQ01 Projects as of 2024-04-29 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package was created 2024-06-22 08:26:17 by NPSTORET and includes selected project, location, and result data. Data contained in the Greater Yellowstone... -
Shenandoah National Park 1979-2022 Water Quality Data from Seven Projects as of 2024-01-26 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package was created 2024-03-12 09:56:45 by NPSTORET and includes selected project, location, and result data. Data contained in the Shenandoah National Park...