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ESA CCI Ocean Colour Product (CCI ALL-v3.1-8DAY), 0.04166666°, 1997-2018

Metadata Updated: June 10, 2023

Data products generated by the Ocean Colour component of the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative project. These files are 8 day composites of merged sensor (MERIS, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua, Sea-Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) Local Area Coverage (LAC) & Global Area Coverage (GAC), Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)) products. MODIS Aqua and MERIS were band-shifted and bias-corrected to SeaWiFS bands and values using a temporally and spatially varying scheme based on the overlap years of 2003-2007. VIIRS was band-shifted and bias-corrected in a second stage against the MODIS Rrs that had already been corrected to SeaWiFS levels, for the overlap period 2012-2013. VIIRS and SeaWiFS Rrs were derived from standard NASA L2 products; MERIS and MODIS from a combination of NASA's l2gen (for basic sensor geometry corrections, etc) and HYGEOS Polymer v3.5 (for atmospheric correction). The Rrs were binned to a sinusoidal 4km level-3 grid, and later to 4km geographic projection, by Brockmann Consult's BEAM. Derived products were generally computed with the standard SeaDAS algorithms. QAA IOPs were derived using the standard SeaDAS algorithm but with a modified backscattering table to match that used in the bandshifting. The final chlorophyll is a combination of OC4, Hu's CI and OC5, depending on the water class memberships. Uncertainty estimates were added using the fuzzy water classifier and uncertainty estimation algorithm of Tim Moore as documented in Jackson et al (2017).

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License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Date August 30, 2022
Metadata Created Date December 19, 2020
Metadata Updated Date June 10, 2023
Reference Date(s) August 31, 2018 (creation)
Frequency Of Update

Metadata Source

Harvested from Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date August 30, 2022
Metadata Created Date December 19, 2020
Metadata Updated Date June 10, 2023
Reference Date(s) August 31, 2018 (creation)
Responsible Party Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Point of Contact)
Contact Email
Guid pmlEsaCCI31OceanColor8Day
Access Constraints
Bbox East Long 179.9792
Bbox North Lat 89.97916
Bbox South Lat -89.97916
Bbox West Long -179.9792
Coupled Resource [{"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}, {"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}, {"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}]
Frequency Of Update
Harvest Object Id ce55ee03-7ca9-473c-9ee4-b541881bf15d
Harvest Source Id 817069b7-5f4e-4664-9e6b-615af3dfcf2d
Harvest Source Title Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory
Lineage Source data were:,,,,,,,; netcdf_compositor_cci composites Rrs_412, Rrs_443, Rrs_490, Rrs_510, Rrs_555, Rrs_670, water_class1, water_class2, water_class3, water_class4, water_class5, water_class6, water_class7, water_class8, water_class9, water_class10, water_class11, water_class12, water_class13, water_class14, atot_412, atot_443, atot_490, atot_510, atot_555, atot_670, aph_412, aph_443, aph_490, aph_510, aph_555, aph_670, adg_412, adg_443, adg_490, adg_510, adg_555, adg_670, bbp_412, bbp_443, bbp_490, bbp_510, bbp_555, bbp_670, chlor_a, kd_490, Rrs_412_bias, Rrs_443_bias, Rrs_490_bias, Rrs_510_bias, Rrs_555_bias, Rrs_670_bias, chlor_a_log10_bias, aph_412_bias, aph_443_bias, aph_490_bias, aph_510_bias, aph_555_bias, aph_670_bias, adg_412_bias, adg_443_bias, adg_490_bias, adg_510_bias, adg_555_bias, adg_670_bias, kd_490_bias with --mean, Rrs_412_rmsd, Rrs_443_rmsd, Rrs_490_rmsd, Rrs_510_rmsd, Rrs_555_rmsd, Rrs_670_rmsd, chlor_a_log10_rmsd, aph_412_rmsd, aph_443_rmsd, aph_490_rmsd, aph_510_rmsd, aph_555_rmsd, aph_670_rmsd, adg_412_rmsd, adg_443_rmsd, adg_490_rmsd, adg_510_rmsd, adg_555_rmsd, adg_670_rmsd, kd_490_rmsd with --root-mean-square, and MODISA_nobs, VIIRS_nobs, MERIS_nobs, SeaWiFS_nobs, total_nobs - with --total
Metadata Language eng
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-179.9792, -89.97916], [179.9792, -89.97916], [179.9792, 89.97916], [-179.9792, 89.97916], [-179.9792, -89.97916]]]}
Spatial Data Service Type ERDDAP griddap
Spatial Reference System
Spatial Harvester True
Temporal Extent Begin 1997-09-04T00:00:00Z
Temporal Extent End 2018-06-26T00:00:00Z

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