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  • FIMA NFIP Redacted Policies (OpenFEMA)    recent views

    Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in order to reduce future flood losses...
  • FIMA NFIP Redacted Claims (OpenFEMA)    recent views

    Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in order to reduce future flood losses...
  • Emergency Management Performance Grants (OPENFEMA)    recent views

    This dataset contains information on projects supported by Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) recipients and as reported by the recipient in the Grant Reporting Tool...
  • Building Codes Save: A Nationwide Study (Excel)    recent views

    FEMA’s landmark study, “Building Codes Save: A Nationwide Study,” shows that modern building codes lead to major reduction in property losses from natural disasters. The FEMA...
  • FloodSmart    recent views

    FloodSmart is the public-facing website for the general public and flood insurance companies and agents can access. There is no user login for this site, but there are elements...
  • State Profiles on Disaster Funding    recent views

    provides insights into disaster funding that falls within a particular U.S. state or territory with the tools and data breakdowns below.rnrnPlease explore federal disaster...
  • Protective Action Research    recent views

    FEMA conducts research to help people prepare for, protect against, and respond to disaster by providing current, validated guidance for decision-making.rnrnFEMA assessed more...
  • National Household Survey    recent views

    FEMA conducts the annual National Household Survey to track progress in personal disaster preparedness. The research findings support the growth and improvement of national...
  • National Qualification System Position Task Books    recent views

    This collection contains a set of NQS Position Task Books (PTBs), which identify the competencies, behaviors, and tasks that personnel should demonstrate to become qualified for...
  • National Qualification System Job Titles and Position Qualifications    recent views

    This collection contains a set of NQS Job Titles/Position Qualifications, which define minimum qualifications criteria for personnel serving in defined incident management and...
  • National Qualification System Supplemental Documents    recent views

    Provides a list of supplemental National Qualification System (NQS) documents pertaining to National Incident Management System (NIMS).rnrnSupportingin Documentation...
  • National Advisory Committee Recommendations    recent views

    The National Advisory Council meets in public session, either in person or by teleconference, to discuss and deliberate recommendations before forwarding them to the FEMA...
  • IPAWS Alerting Authorities: Agencies and Organizations    recent views

    An Alerting Authority is a jurisdiction with the designated authority to alert and warn the public when there is an impending natural or human-made disaster, threat, or...
  • Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Reports    recent views

    The Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate (OFIA) publishes its periodic report to provide the public and industry professionals an insight into trends affecting National Flood...
  • FEMA Guidance Documents    recent views

    FEMA issues guidance documents to help the public understand how the agency administers its statutory and regulatory authorities. Consistent with Executive Order 13891...
  • Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Best Practice Case Studies    recent views

    The following is a collection of key findings and considerations for jurisdictions and communities regarding ongoing COVID-19 pandemic operations across the country. They cover...
  • Advance Contracts of Goods and Services    recent views

    FEMA Advance Contracts for goods and services are competed and awarded in advance of major disaster declarations to provide efficient, cost-effective means for rapid delivery of...
  • Individuals and Households Program - Valid Registrations (NEMIS)    recent views

    This dataset contains FEMA applicant-level data for the Individuals and Households Program (IHP). All PII information has been removed. The location is represented by county,...
  • Public Assistance Funded Projects Details (EMMIE)    recent views

    The Public Assistance (PA) Funded Projects Details dataset contains a list of funded (obligated) PA projects, called project worksheets. Unobligated projects (still in...
  • Public Assistance Grant Award Activities (EMMIE)    recent views

    This dataset contains data on Public Assistance (PA) project awards (obligations), including the project obligation date(s); dollar amount of Federal Share Obligated for each...