Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act (NFIA), 42 U.S.C. 4001 in 1968, creating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in order to reduce future flood losses through flood hazard identification, manage floodplain, and provide insurance protection. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) originally administered the NFIP, and Congress subsequently transferred the NFIP to FEMA upon its creation in 1979. FEMA and insurance companies participating in FEMA's Write Your Own (WYO) program offer NFIP insurance coverage for building structures as well as for contents and personal property within the building structures to eligible and insurable properties. The WYO program began in 1983 with NFIP operating under Part B of the NFIA and allows FEMA to authorize private insurance companies to issue the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) as FEMA's fiduciary and fiscal agent. FEMA administers NFIP by ensuring insurance applications are processed properly; determining correct premiums; renewing, reforming, and cancelling insurance policies; transferring policies from the seller of the property to the purchaser of the property in certain circumstances; and processing insurance claims. rnrnThe paid premiums of SFIPs and claims payments for damaged property are processed through the National Flood Insurance Fund (NFIF). NFIF was established by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4001, et seq.), and is a centralized premium revenue and fee-generated fund that supports NFIP, which holds these U.S. Treasury funds. rnrnThis data set is derived from the NFIP system of record, staged in the NFIP reporting platform and redacted to protect policy holder personally identifiable information.rnrnThe NFIP Transactional Record Reporting Process (TRRP) Plan ( ) defines for the WYO companies how to report policy and claims information to the NFIP. The Flood Insurance Manual ( ) establishes how policies should be rated and underwritten. The NFIP has provided answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to assist the public in understanding and navigating the data our program makes available: .rnrnThis data set represents more than 50,000,000 policy transactions, in order to improve accessibility, we have one compressed file. Due to the file size we recommend using Access, SQL, or another programming/data management tool to visualize and manipulate the data, as Excel will not be able to process files this large without data loss. The dataset will be updated approximately monthly and will have a lag with the system of record. rnrnThis dataset is not intended to be an official federal report, and should not be considered an official federal report. rn rnCitation: The Agency’s preferred citation for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page, Citing Data section: you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA News Desk at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at