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Data from: Differential gene expression in red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) larval and pupal stages

Metadata Updated: August 2, 2024

12 files (6 sets of paired Illumina FASTQ files) transcriptomes (expressed genes) of the fourth (final) larval and early (white) pupal stages of Solenopsis invicta from Mississippi Delta. Resources in this dataset:Resource Title: RNA-seq Larva sample Colony 1. File Name: A01L4_1.zipResource Description: This is the first of the paired samples; the total set includes 3 paired Illumina files from larvae, and 3 paired Illumina files from pupae. Colony 1 samples are from 4th instar larvae: paired Illumina fastq files A01L4_1 and A01L4_2; and white pupae: X01wp_1 and X01wp_2.Resource Software Recommended: A01L4_1,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq Larva sample Colony 1. File Name: A01L4_2.zipResource Description: This is the second of the paired samples for larvae from Colony 1. Colony 1 samples are from 4th instar larvae: paired Illumina fastq files A01L4_1 and A01L4_2; and white pupae: X01wp_1 and X01wp_2.Resource Software Recommended: Any assembly program that handles paired Illumina files,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq pupa sample Colony 1. File Name: X01wp_1.zipResource Description: This is the first of the paired samples. Colony 1 samples are from 4th instar larvae: paired Illumina fastq files A01L4_1 and A01L4_2; and white pupae: X01wp_1 and X01wp_2.Resource Software Recommended: Any assembly program that handles paired Illumina files,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq pupa sample Colony 1.. File Name: X01wp_2.zipResource Description: This is the second of the paired samples. Colony 1 samples are from 4th instar larvae: paired Illumina fastq files A01L4_1 and A01L4_2; and white pupae: X01wp_1 and X01wp_2.Resource Software Recommended: Any assembly program that can use Illumina paired files,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq larva sample Colony 2. File Name: B02L4_2.zipResource Description: This is the second of the paired samples from Colony 2.Resource Software Recommended: Any assembly program that handles Illumina paired files for input,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq larva sample Colony 2. File Name: B02L4_1.zipResource Description: This is the first of the paired larva samples. Colony 2 samples include larva paired Illumina files B02L4_1 and B02L4_2, and paired pupa files Y02wp_1 and Y02wp_2.Resource Software Recommended: Any assembly program that handles paired Illumina files,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq pupa sample Colony 2. File Name: Y02wp_1.zipResource Description: This is the first of the paired pupa files. The set includes Y02wp_1 and Y02wp_2.Resource Software Recommended: Any assembly program that accepts Illumina paired reads,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq pupa sample Colony 2. File Name: Y02wp_2.zipResource Description: This is the second of the paired samples; the Colony 2 pupa samples are Y02wp_1 and Y02wp_2.Resource Software Recommended: Any assembly program that accepts Illumina paired data files,url: Resource Title: RNA-seq pupa sample Colony 3. File Name: Z03wp_1.zipResource Description: This is the first of paired sample files: the set includes Z03wp_1 and Z03wp_2.Resource Title: RNA-seq pupa sample Colony 3. File Name: Z03wp_2.zipResource Description: This is the second of the paired sample files: the set includes Z03wp_1 and Z03wp_2Resource Title: RNA-seq larva sample Colony 3. File Name: C03L4_1.zipResource Description: This is the first of the paired sample files: the set includes C03L4_1 and C03L4_2.Resource Title: RNA-seq larva sample Colony 3. File Name: C03L4_2.zipResource Description: This is the second of the paired sample files: the set includes C03L4_1 and C03L4_2

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: us-pd

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Metadata Created Date August 2, 2024
Metadata Updated Date August 2, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from USDA JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date August 2, 2024
Metadata Updated Date August 2, 2024
Publisher Agricultural Research Service
Identifier 10.15482/USDA.ADC/1461500
Data Last Modified 2024-07-24
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 005:18, 005:00
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id c5590dc3-a512-4c6d-b8ca-eb4b5a95d131
Harvest Source Id d3fafa34-0cb9-48f1-ab1d-5b5fdc783806
Harvest Source Title USDA JSON
Old Spatial {"type": "Point", "coordinates": -91.03344, 33.44734}
Program Code 005:037
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash b69559ec9e7ec073b1ec8780d9843dec4f7a8c7236040ccd8366eefb7e6661fa
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Point", "coordinates": -91.03344, 33.44734}

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