Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - MOP - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The ZephIR300 is a continuous wave LIDAR with a range of 10 m to 300 m. During HilFlowS the ZephIR300 was programmed to measure from 10 m to 150 m. In... -
Radar - ANL Wind Profiler with RASS, Goldendale - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Wind Profiler with Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) data. Data Quality Automatic quality control (QC) followed by visual manual QC. -
Lidar - CU WindCube V2 Profiler, Gordons Ridge - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Wind and lidar turbulence profiles from 40 m to 220 m above the surface. Data Quality These two-minute-averaged data files consider the 1 Hz line-of-sight... -
Sodar - Brady, TX - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset was produced from the raw sodar .txt files from the Brady, TX site during the WFIP1 campaign. Quality control and formatting have been applied... -
Radar - 449MHz - Astoria, OR (AST) - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Winds. A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON7 - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Radar - 449MHz - Astoria, OR (AST) - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Winds. A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5... -
Lidar - NOAA WindCube 200S Doppler Lidar (Dalek1) - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Data Details Dalek 1 (NOAA) Visitor's Center: lat(40.045) lon(-105), alt(1587), 20150302 - 20150309 Erie High School: lat(40.047) lon(-105), alt(1582), 20150309 -... -
Surface Meteorological Station - Astoria, OR (AST) - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview A variety of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a... -
Microbarograph - ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, Bonneville - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface,... -
Lidar - NOAA WindCube 200S Doppler Lidar (Dalek1) - Derived Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Data Details Dalek 1 (NOAA) Visitor's Center: lat(40.045) lon(-105), alt(1587), 20150302 - 20150309 Erie High School: lat(40.047) lon(-105), alt(1582), 20150309 -... -
Microwave Radiometer - UND Radiometrics MWR, Rufus - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview These data monitor real-time profiles of temperature (K), water vapor (gm-3), relative humidity (%), and liquid water (gm-3) up to 10 km. Data Details All... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON7 - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Radar - 449MHz - Buffalo, SD - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Raw data captured from the NOAA ESRL website: https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/obs/data/ Hourly Radar Winds (WwWind) and Temperature (WwTemp) -
UAE6 - Wind Tunnel Tests Data - UAE6 - Sequence C - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Sequences B, C, and D: Downwind Baseline (F), Downwind Low Pitch (F), Downwind High Pitch (F) This test sequence used a downwind, teetered turbine with a... -
Lidar - CU WindCube V2 Profiler, Gordons Ridge - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview These profiling lidar datasets collect profiles of wind speed and wind direction from nominally 40 m above the surface to 220 m above the surface, depending... -
Microwave Radiometer - UND Radiometrics MWR, Rufus - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Reviewed dataset that also includes post-reprocessed level1 and level2 data files from November 2015 to May 2016 (refer to "Additional Information"). Monitor... -
Microwave Radiometer - NOAA Microwave Radiometer - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Monitor real-time profiles of temperature (K), water vapor (gm-3), relative humidity (%) and liquid water (gm-3) up to 10km. Data Details lv0 files contain... -
Radar - TTU Ka-band, ka2 - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The metadata for the TTUKa2 XPIA deployments are included in the attached text file. -
Sounding System - UMBC Soundings - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Sounding data from Watertank (site of NOAA's High Resolution Doppler Lidar) for comparison with microwave profilers. Data Quality Data quality based on RS92...