Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON4 - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON1 - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL ZephIR300 - MOP - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The ZephIR300 is a continuous wave LIDAR with a range of 10 m to 300 m. During HilFlowS the ZephIR300 was programmed to measure from 10 m to 150 m. In... -
Lidar - HilFlowS - LLNL WindCube v2 - EOP - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The WindCube v2 is a pulsed LIDAR and uses four beams sent in succession in the four cardinal directions along a 28°scanning cone angle to measure horizontal... -
Radar - ANL Wind Profiler with RASS, Goldendale - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Wind Profiler with Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) data. Data Quality Automatic quality control (QC) followed by visual manual QC. -
Lidar - CU WindCube V2 Profiler, Gordons Ridge - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Wind and lidar turbulence profiles from 40 m to 220 m above the surface. Data Quality These two-minute-averaged data files consider the 1 Hz line-of-sight... -
Sodar - ANL Wind Profiler, Yakima - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview To provide lower-level wind speed and direction measurements. Data Quality Raw data are plotted, visually inspected on a daily basis, and uploaded to DAP... -
Radar - ESRL Wind Profiler with RASS, Troutdale - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Wind Profiler with Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) data. Data Quality Automatic quality control (QC) followed by visual manual QC. -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON3 - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL Short Tower, Grass Valley - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview In support of the Wind Forecasting Improvement Project, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) deployed surface meteorological stations in Oregon. Data... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON7 - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Surface Meteorological Station - UND 10m, (2) Sonics 3m 10m, (2) T/RH 3m 10m (1) Licor 3m, Physics site-1 - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The data included features wind, temperature, and turbulence measurements. Data Details Each met station (met.z18, met.z19, met.z21, and met.z23) consists of... -
Microbarograph - ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, Goldendale - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface,... -
wfip2.model/retro.hrrr.01.fcst.01 recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON6 - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Sodar - NREL Scintec MFAS Wind Profiler, Decker Ranch Airstrip - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview The dataset includes 15-minute average wind speed and direction records from 30 m to 330 m above ground level (AGL) in 10-m range gates. Data were collected... -
Sodar - PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview Provide measurements of wind speed and direction up to 400 m AGL (max). The data are stored in 2 forms: ASCII and raw (binary). ASCII files contain averaged... -
Sodar - Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler, AON9 - Processed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview This dataset contains measurements from eight different Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler instruments. The Triton Wind Profiler is a sodar wind profiler that... -
Surface Meteorological Station - ESRL Short Tower, Wasco Airport - Reviewed Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview A diversity of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a... -
Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL 3m Tower, Physics site-8 - Raw Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Overview In support of the Wind Forecasting Improvement Project, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) deployed surface meteorological stations in Oregon. Data...