Operating U.S. Nuclear Research and Test Reactors - Regulated by the NRC recent views
Nuclear Regulatory Commission —
U.S. research and test reactors, including: licensee, location, reactor type, power level, licensee/docket number, and license date -
Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs: NRC-Approved for Use by General Licensees recent views
Nuclear Regulatory Commission —
Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs: NRC-Approved for Use by General Licensees -
Native American Reservations and Trust Lands within a 50-Mile Radius of a Nuclear Power Plant recent views
Nuclear Regulatory Commission —
Native American Reservations and Trust Lands within a 50-Mile Radius of a Nuclear Power Plant -
Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees recent views
Nuclear Regulatory Commission —
Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees -
Cancelled U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors recent views
Nuclear Regulatory Commission —
Cancelled U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors - Part 50: Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities and Part 52 Licenses Certifications, and... -
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed to Operate recent views
Nuclear Regulatory Commission —
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed to Operate