Organizational Chart recent views
Department of the Treasury —
Organizational chart of TIGTA -
Congressional Correspondence recent views
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Requests and Responses to Member of Congress for various information -
ARRA Funds Monthly Report recent views
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TIGTA Monthly Reports on Received ARRA funds -
Audit Reports recent views
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TIGTA's Audit Reports review and recommend improvements on all aspects of the IRS's administration of the tax system. -
Management Performance Challenges Facing IRS recent views
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TIGTA's annual letters to the Secretary of the Treasury present TIGTA's views on the management and performance challenges facing the IRS in the current fiscal year. -
Investigation Highlights recent views
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TIGTA's Investigations Highlights of investigations -
Recovery Act Reports recent views
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The Recovery Act provides separate funding to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to be used in oversight activities of IRS programs which includes... -
Major Information Systems recent views
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A listing of the information systems in use by TIGTA. -
Semi Annual Report recent views
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TIGTA's Semiannual Reports contain updated facts, figures and accomplishments for Congress. -
Delegation Orders recent views
Department of the Treasury —
Specific delegations of authority issued by the Inspector General, or equivalent level executives ot their subordinate officers or employees which redelegate... -
Audit Plans recent views
Department of the Treasury —
TIGTA's Annual Audit Plans contain an overview of TIGTA's audit resources and brief descriptions of the audits TIGTA plans to start during the current fiscal year. -
I&E Reports recent views
Department of the Treasury —
TIGTA's inspections and evaluations monitor IRS compliance and performance in IRS challenge areas. -
Peer Review Reports recent views
Department of the Treasury —
The objective of the external quality control review program is to foster quality audits by Inspector General offices through an independent assessment of the... -
Memorandums of Understanding recent views
Department of the Treasury —
Memorandums of Understanding issued between TIGTA and other governmental agencies.