Boston Harbor and approaches samples (WILLETT72 shapefile recent views
Department of the Interior —
Boston Harbor (and its approaches) is a glacially carved, tidally dominated estuary in western Massachusetts Bay. Characterized by low river discharge and significant... -
Sediments of Block Island Sound acquired in 1966 (SAVARD66 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
A total of 84 surficial sediments samples were collected aboard two cruises from Block Island Sound as part of a Master's Thesis completed at the University of Rhode... -
Textural Data from the Continental Margin Program (HATHAWAY71 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set contains sediment grain size and textural information from the Continental Margin Program. The program was a joint collaboration between the U.S.... -
Sediments of Western Mass Bay acquired in 1976 (MEISBURGER76 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
A seismic reflection survey with concurrent bottom sampling was conducted in western Massachusetts Bay to obtain information on bottom topography and sediments,... -
Neritic sediments of the Merrimack Embayment (ANAN71 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The coastal dunes, beaches, and inner neritic zone of the Merrimack Embayment constitute a petrologic province. In addition to heavy mineral analyses, grain size... -
Sediment Data from off New Hampshire (WARD01 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The sediment data contained in this set were produced as part of the site description and monitoring phases of an aquaculture demonstration project. The site is... -
Portsmouth Naval Yard Sediment Data (JOHNSTON94 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The sediment data presented in this data layer were from an ecological study sited near the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine. The analog data were originally... -
Quaternary Geology LIS Channel-Fill Deposits recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut Quaternary Geology Long Island Submerged Marine Fluvial-Estuarine, Channel-Fill Deposits identifies early postglacial, channel-fill deposits submerged in... -
Quaternary Geology Geologic Basin Boundary recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut Quaternary Geology Geologic Basin Divides includes the drainage basins divides appearing on Sheet 1 of the The Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and... -
Collection Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) recent views
Department of Transportation —
Long-term Pavement performance, construction, traffic, and environmental data for more than 2500 pavement sections in the United States and Canada. More than a dozen... -
Quaternary Geology Geologic Basin and Cross Section Set recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut Quaternary Geology Geologic Basin Divides includes the drainage basins divides appearing on Sheet 1 of the The Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and... -
Sediments of Narragansett Bay acquired in 1960 (MCMASTER60 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Gravel, sand, silt, and clay contents were determined for samples from Narragansett Bay and the adjacent Rhode Island Shelf. In the Narragansett Bay system, clayey... -
Gulf of Maine Contaminated Sediments Database (GOMCSDB shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Contaminated Sediments Database for the Gulf of Maine provides a compilation and synthesis of existing data to help establish the environmental status of our... -
MCMASTER60_PROJECT: Sediments of Narragansett Bay recent views
Department of the Interior —
Gravel, sand, silt, and clay contents were determined for samples from Narragansett Bay and the adjacent Rhode Island Shelf. In the Narragansett Bay system, clayey... -
Northeast Monitoring Program Sediment Descriptions (REID82 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The data in this set are part of the "Ocean Pulse" benthic studies that were conducted on the U.S. northeast shelf by the National Marine Fisheries Service. This data... -
Bottom Sediments -- Cape Ann to Casco Bay (FOLGER75 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The reconnaissance maps upon which this data set is based show the areal distribution of the major bottom sediment types covering the sea floor off eastern New... -
usSEABED EXTracted data for the Louisiana Region (LA_EXT) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data layer is a point coverage of known sediment samplings, inspections and probings from the usSEABED data collection and integrated using the software system... -
Sediment Data from the Continental Rise (ZIMMERMAN72 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Short cores were collected on the continental rise off Georges Bank. The character of the sediments and measured bottom currents show that the Western Boundary... -
Shelf Sediments off Long Island (MCKINNEY70 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The detailed nature of relict sediments resulting from and related to the Holocene transgression is revealed through this sedimentological study of a densely sampled... -
Sediment from Northwest Atlantic Ocean acquired in 1978 (ROWE78 shapefile) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Presented in this dataset are data determined from sediments collected by different means during a variety of cruises to the northwest Atlantic Ocean. These data have...