Domestic Terrorism: Assessment of State and Local Preparedness in the United States, 1992 recent views
Department of Justice —
This project sought to analyze states' and municipalities' terrorism preparedness as a means of providing law enforcement with information about the prevention and... -
American Terrorism Study, 1980-2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study was conducted in response to a lack of existing data collections relating specifically to acts of American terrorism. A primary goal of the study was to... -
Assessment of Defense and Prosecutorial Strategies in Terrorism Trials in the United States, 1980-2004 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study created a flat-file database of information regarding defendants who were referred to United States Attorneys by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)... -
Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS), 1948-2014 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Sequencing Terrorists' Precursor Behaviors: A Crime Specific Analysis, United States, 1980-2012 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Operation and Structure of Right-Wing Extremist Groups in the United States, 1980-2007 recent views
Department of Justice —
The purpose of this study was to address some of the gaps in what is known about right-wing terrorism by (1) comparing right-wing extremist "advocates" with... -
Homeland Security in Small Law Enforcement Jurisdictions: Preparedness, Efficacy, and Proximity to Big-City Peers, 2011 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Homeland Security in Small Law Enforcement Jurisdictions study drew upon data collected from 350 small (1-25 full time sworn officers) law enforcement agencies... -
The Role of Social Networks in the Evolution of Al Qaeda-inspired Violent Extremism in the United States, 1990-2014 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study compiled data on American jihadists and other Islamic extremists recruited since the early 1990s. Specifically, "homegrown" terrorist, referring to...