Autonomous Vehicle Survey of Bicyclists and Pedestrians in Pittsburgh recent views
Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center —
In Pittsburgh, Autonomous Vehicle (AV) companies have been testing autonomous vehicles since September 2016. However, the tech is new, and there have been some high-... -
Pavement Condition Index recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
Pavement Condition Index is provided by the Department of Transportation for analyzing the conditions of the pavement for all 5,200 lane miles of roadways within the... -
Average Daily Traffic Counts - 2006 recent views
City of Chicago —
This dataset is historical. For recent data, we recommend using https://chicagotraffictracker.com. -- Average Daily Traffic (ADT) counts are analogous to a census... -
GPS Roads recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This data set contains a 1:100,000 scale vector digital representation of all interstate highways, all US highways, most of the state highways, and some county roads... -
OpenStreetMap (Blueprint) recent views
City of Baltimore —
This web map features a vector basemap of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data created and hosted by Esri. Esri produced this vector tile basemap in ArcGIS Pro from a live... -
Towed Vehicles recent views
City of Chicago —
This dataset displays location for vehicles that have been towed and impounded by the City of Chicago within the last 90 days. Illegally parked vehicles, abandoned... -
LADOT Traffic Counts Summary recent views
City of Los Angeles —
LADOT automated and manual traffic count summary data for intersections throughout Los Angeles. Manual counts ("MAN" under the "Type" column) are generally 6-hr... -
NYC Street Centerline (CSCL) (Deprecated) recent views
City of New York —
This map will be deprecated in January. For the latest data please refer to https://data.cityofnewyork.us/d/3mf9-qshr The NYC Street Centerline (CSCL) is a road-bed... -
Parking Regulation Locations and Signs recent views
City of New York —
The Department of Transportation manages over one million traffic signs in New York City. The file includes the location and a description of parking signs... -
Idaho Roads [Historical] recent views
University of Idaho —
This dataset is not longer being updated. It was last compiled in 2019 and source features may be older than 2019. This dataset was produced as part of a pilot... -
LockerNYC Locations - Pilot Program recent views
City of New York —
The location of the lockers around New York City, allowing residents to receive and send packages using secure lockers on public sidewalks. The pilot program offers... -
311 Service Requests - Alley Lights Out - Historical recent views
City of Chicago —
As described in https://data.cityofchicago.org/stories/s/311-Dataset-Changes-12-11-2018/d7nq-5g7t, the function of this dataset was replaced by... -
Transportation recent views
City of Chicago —
Street center lines in Chicago. The data can be viewed on the Chicago Data Portal with a web browser. However, to view or use the files outside of a web browser, you... -
Major Streets recent views
City of Chicago —
Major streets in Chicago. To view or use these files, compression software and special GIS software, such as ESRI ArcGIS, is required. -
Agency Performance Mapping Indicators - Monthly (Historical Data) recent views
City of New York —
This dataset provides key performance indicators for several agencies disaggregated by community district, police precinct, borough or school district. Each line of... -
D. Streetlight All in One recent views
District of Columbia —
Welcome to D. Streetlights All in OneStreetlight Division of the District of Columbia, Department of Transportation (DDOT), is responsible for illuminating the public... -
Protected Streets Map - Block (Dataset) recent views
City of New York —
This dataset lists all current protected streets throughout the five boroughs. Note: NYCDOT provides this map for informational purpose only. The City makes no... -
Master Street Name Table recent views
City of New Orleans —
This list is a work-in-progress and will be updated at least quarterly. This version updates column names and corrects spellings of several streets in order to... -
Public Life Data - Locations recent views
City of Seattle —
Provides details on the sites selected for each study, including various attributes to allow for comparison across sites. ------------------------------------------...