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12 datasets found
  • Federal

    Acoustic backscatter—Data and Python Code    recent views

    Department of the Interior —

    These data were compiled for investigating the relationship between acoustic backscattering by riverbeds composed of various riverbed substrates (bed sediment), and...
  • Federal

    Ensemble standar deviation of wind speed and direction of the FDDA input to WRF    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    NetCDF file of the SREF standard deviation of wind speed and direction that was used to inject variability in the FDDA input. variable U_NDG_OLD contains standard...
  • Federal

    Figure11    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    R script: ensemble_rrf_sigma_vs_mean_play.R Data: ensemble_mean_sigma_rrf_allgrids_epismax_new_13runs.csv Plot:...
  • Federal

    Figure5    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    This is an R statistics package script that allows the reproduction of Figure 5. The script includes the links to large NetCDF files that the figures access for O3,...
  • Federal

    Figure4    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    NetCDF files of PBL height (m), Shortwave Radiation, 10 m wind speed from WRF and Ozone from CMAQ. The data is the standard deviation of these variables for each hour...
  • Federal

    Figure 9    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    This is a NetCDF file in ioapi format that contains the probability that ozone is above the 8 hr max O3 standard for the four days of the simulation. This dataset is...
  • Federal

    Diurnal Ensemble Surface Meteorology Statistics    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    Excel file containing diurnal ensemble statistics of 2-m temperature, 2-m mixing ratio and 10-m wind speed. This Excel file contains figures for Figure 2 in the paper...
  • Federal

    Figure10    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    Fortran/NCARgraphics program to compute and plot RRF mean and variability:map_rrf_variability_13runs_epimax.f Ioapi files needed by Fortran/NCARGraphics code:...
  • Federal

    Figure 7    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    Two files provided. The ENS.tar file contains text data files (*.csv) used to create Figure 7 and Figure 8. The Figure7.txt is an R script that reads these files and...
  • Federal

    Figure6    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    R script for the reproduction of Figure6. This script accesses archived CMAQ and WRF model output on US EPA's HPC sol computer system and plots forward trajectories...
  • Federal

    Figure 3    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    The Figure.tar.gz contains a directory for each WRF ensemble run. In these directories are *.csv files for each meteorology variable examined. These are comma...
  • Federal

    Figure12    recent views

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —

    NCL script: cmaq_ensemble_isam_4panels_subdomain.ncl Netcdf input file for NCL script, containing ensemble means and standard deviation of ISAM SO4 and O3...
12 datasets found

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