NCL script: cmaq_ensemble_isam_4panels_subdomain.ncl
Netcdf input file for NCL script, containing ensemble means and standard deviation of ISAM SO4 and O3 contributions from IPM:
Plot (ps):
Plot (pdf): maps_isam_mean_std_lasthour_ipm_so4_o3_east.pdf
Plot (ncgm): maps_isam_mean_std_lasthour_ipm_so4_o3_east.ncgm. This dataset is not publicly accessible because: This contains a dataset that is well over 1Gb, so link provided to US EPA's HPC system where all information can be retrieved. It can be accessed through the following means: /asm/grc/JGR_ENSEMBLE_ScienceHub/Figure12.tar.gz. Format: Tar file with scripts and datasets needed to reproduce Figure 12.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Gilliam , R., C. Hogrefe , J. Godowitch, S. Napelenok , R. Mathur , and S.T. Rao. Impact of inherent meteorology uncertainty on air quality model predictions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 120(23): 12,259–12,280, (2015).