Gun Density, Gun Type, and the Dallas Homicide Rate, 1980-1992 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study examined the relationships among trends in deadly gun violence, overall gun availability, and the availability of more lethal types of guns. Using firearms... -
Forensic Evidence and the Police, 1976-1980 recent views
Department of Justice —
This data collection focuses on adult cases of serious crime such as homicide (and related death investigations), rape, robbery, aggravated assault/battery, burglary,... -
Testing and Evaluating Body Worn Video Technology in the Los Angeles Police Department, California, 2012-2018 recent views
Department of Justice —
This research sought to evaluate the implementation of body worn cameras (BWCs) in the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Researchers employed three strategies to... -
Detection of Crime, Resource Deployment, and Predictors of Success: A Multi-Level Analysis of CCTV in Newark, New Jersey, 2007-2011 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Detection of Crime, Resource Deployment, and Predictors of Success: A Multi-Level Analysis of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) in Newark, NJ collection represents... -
Evaluation of Less-Lethal Technologies on Police Use-of-Force Outcomes in 13 Sites in the United States, 1992-2007 recent views
Department of Justice —
The study examined how law enforcement agencies (LEAs) manage the use of force by officers. It was conducted to produce practical information that can help LEAs... -
National Crime Surveys Longitudinal File, 1988-1989: [Selected Variables] recent views
Department of Justice —
This longitudinal file for the National Crime Surveys (NCS) contains selected variables related to whether a crime was reported to the police for households that... -
Missing Data in the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), 1977-2000 [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
This study reexamined and recoded missing data in the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) for the years 1977 to 2000 for all police agencies in the United States. The... -
CrimeMapTutorial Workbooks and Sample Data for ArcView and MapInfo, 2000 recent views
Department of Justice —
CrimeMapTutorial is a step-by-step tutorial for learning crime mapping using ArcView GIS or MapInfo Professional GIS. It was designed to give users a thorough... -
Bridge of Faith: Aim4Peace Community-Based Violence Prevention Project, Kansas City, Missouri, 2014-2017 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study followed the outcomes of the Bridge of Faith program. Bridge of Faith is an expansion project based on efforts of the Aim4Peace Violence Prevention... -
Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Kit Initiative, United States, 2018 recent views
Department of Justice —
Since 2015, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has funded sites to engage in reforms intended to improve the national response to sexual assault cases. The goals... -
Prevalence, Context, and Consequences of Dual Arrest in Intimate Partner Cases in 19 States in the United States, 2000 recent views
Department of Justice —
This project provided the first large-scale examination of the police response to intimate partner violence and of the practice known as "dual arrest." The objectives... -
Port Authority Cargo Theft Data of New Jersey and New York, 1978-1980 recent views
Department of Justice —
This data collection is one of three quantitative databases comprising the Commercial Theft Studies component of the Study of the Causes of Crime for Gain, which... -
Crime Hot Spot Forecasting with Data from the Pittsburgh [Pennsylvania] Bureau of Police, 1990-1998 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study used crime count data from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Bureau of Police offense reports and 911 computer-aided dispatch (CAD) calls to determine the best... -
Examination of Homicides in Houston, Texas, 1985-1994 recent views
Department of Justice —
As a contribution to nationwide efforts to more thoroughly understand urban violence, this study was conducted to assess the impact of cultural dynamics on homicide... -
Mentally Disordered Offenders in Pursuit of Celebrities and Politicians recent views
Department of Justice —
These data were collected to develop a means of identifying those individuals most likely to be dangerous to others because of their pursuit of public figures.... -
National Survey of Staffing Issues in Large Police Agencies, 2006-2007 [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
The primary objective of this study was to formulate evidence-based lessons on recruitment, retention, and managing workforce profiles in large, United States police... -
Changing Patterns of Homicide and Social Policy in Philadelphia, Phoenix, and St. Louis, 1980-1994 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study sought to assess changes in the volume and types of homicide committed in Philadelphia, Phoenix, and St. Louis from 1980 to 1994 and to document the nature... -
Evaluation of Victim Advocacy Services for Battered Women in Detroit, 1998-1999 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study evaluated advocacy services offered to battered women in Detroit, Michigan, and examined other aspects of coordinated community responses to domestic... -
Offender Characteristics, Offense Mix, and Escalation in Domestic Violence in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Miami-Dade, Florida, Omaha, Nebraska, Charlotte, North Carolina, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1987-1989 recent views
Department of Justice —
Using data from five Spouse Assault Replication Program (SARP) sites, this study examined the extent to which domestic violence offenders exhibit a specialized... -
Drug Abuse as a Predictor of Rearrest or Failure to Appear in Court in New York City, 1984 recent views
Department of Justice —
This data collection was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of drug use/drug use trends among booked arrestees in New York City and to analyze the relationship...