Crash Reporting - Drivers Data recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset provides information on motor vehicle operators (drivers) involved in traffic collisions occurring on county and local roadways. The dataset reports... -
Autonomous Vehicle Survey of Bicyclists and Pedestrians in Pittsburgh recent views
Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center —
In Pittsburgh, Autonomous Vehicle (AV) companies have been testing autonomous vehicles since September 2016. However, the tech is new, and there have been some high-... -
1.08 Crash Data Report (detail) recent views
City of Tempe —
Please note that 2024 data are incomplete and will be updated as additional records become available. Data are complete through 12/31/2023.Fatal and serious injury... -
Allegheny County Crash Data recent views
Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center —
Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Allegheny County from 2004 to 2020. Fields include injury severity,... -
Crash Reporting - Incidents Data recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset provides general information about each collision and details of all traffic collisions occurring on county and local roadways within Montgomery County,... -
Crashes in DC recent views
District of Columbia —
Crashes on the roadway blocks network of Washington, DC maintained by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). In addition to locations, a related table... -
Collection The Pedestrian Crash Data Study (PCDS) recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Pedestrian Crash Data Study (PCDS) collected detailed data on motor vehicle vs pedestrian crashes. -
Transportation and Health Tool - Data recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Transportation and Health Tool (THT) was developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide easy... -
Annual Miles Traveled recent views
State of California —
This table contains data on the annual miles traveled by place of occurrence and by mode of transportation (vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle), for California, its... -
Crash Details Table recent views
District of Columbia —
A companion table for the Crashes in DC layer. This is a related table linked by field attribution, CRASHID. These crash data are derived from the Metropolitan Police... -
Motor Vehicle Crash Reports (2010-2018) recent views
City of Somerville —
NOTE: Post-2018 crash data is available here: https://data.somervillema.gov/Public-Safety/Police-Data-Crashes/mtik-28va/about_data This data set tracks motor vehicle... -
Texas Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Data Portal: Statewide recent views
City of Austin —
See statewide traffic fatality trending data and statewide maps data. -
SDOT GIS Datasets recent views
City of Seattle —
The City of Seattle Transportation GIS Datasets | https://data-seattlecitygis.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets?t=transportation | Lifecycle status: Production | Purpose:... -
Bicycle & Pedestrian Counts recent views
City of Somerville —
The annual bike and pedestrian count is a volunteer data collection effort each fall that helps the City understand where and how many people are biking and walking... -
A Vision for Safer Roads recent views
City of Tempe —
What is Vision Zero? Vision Zero is a traffic safety policy that takes an ethical approach towards achieving safety for all road users. The goal is to achieve a... -
Vision Zero View Data recent views
City of New York —
Data that that populates the Vision Zero View map, which can be found at www.nycvzv.info Vision Zero is the City's goal for ending traffic deaths and injuries. The... -
D. Streetlight All in One recent views
District of Columbia —
Welcome to D. Streetlights All in OneStreetlight Division of the District of Columbia, Department of Transportation (DDOT), is responsible for illuminating the public... -
District of Columbia Vision Zero Traffic Fatalities and Injury Crashes recent views
District of Columbia —
The Fatal and Injury Crashes Dashboard can be used by the public to locate crashes that result in an injury or fatality. Adjust the Mode, Severity and Date filters to... -
Brooklyn Bridge Automated Pedestrian Counts Demonstration Project recent views
City of New York —
DOT is testing automated technology to count pedestrians. The counter is located on the Manhattan approach of the Brooklyn Bridge. -
Crash Reporting - Non-Motorists Data recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset provides information on non-motorists (pedestrians and cyclists) involved in traffic collisions occurring on county and local roadways.The reports...