Mine Injury and Worktime Quarterly Reports recent views
Department of Labor —
Part 50 Report: Number of Fatal Injuries Operator and contractor injury data by type of coal mined/mineral industry, work location, State (operator only), and... -
MSHA Operator Employment and Production Dataset - Yearly recent views
Department of Labor —
Contains the annual summation of employee hours and coal production reported by mine operators where the average quarterly employment is greater than zero with... -
Contractor Employment and Production - Quarterly recent views
Department of Labor —
Contains employment and coal production reported by contractors for each quarter in a calendar year, by subunit and mine ID. The subunit code identifies the location... -
Contractor Employment and Production - Yearly recent views
Department of Labor —
Contains the annual summation of employee hours and coal production reported by contractors where the average quarterly employment is greater than zero with grouping... -
MSHA Operator Employment and Production Data Set - Quarterly recent views
Department of Labor —
Contains employment and coal production reported by mine operators for each quarter in a calendar year, by subunit and mine ID. The subunit code identifies the... -
MSHA Part 50 Self-Extracting Files recent views
Department of Labor —
Actual information (raw data) from the accident and injury MSHA Form 7000-2 filed with MSHA by mining operators and contractors as required under 30 CFR Part 50.