Security Clearance Tracking System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
SCTS supports the adjudication process of private background investigations and clearances for potential employees, contractors, interns and student workers. -
Visitor Ticketing Application recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
VISTA system makes reservations and accepts credit card payment for tours at Presidential libraries. -
Unclassified Redaction and Tracking System (URTS) recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
URTS extends the ADRRES system for the processing of UNCLASSIFIED Federal Records, including sensitive materials to be redacted. -
Badging and Access System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
This system supports badging and enforces the levels of building access to Archives 1 and Archives 2 only. -
Presidential Libraries Museum Collection Management Database recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
MCMD serves as a descriptive catalog for the Presidential Libraries museum collections, and also supports a full range of museum collections management processes... -
Presidential Network recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
PRESNET is used by the Ford Presidential Library to automate a series of life-cycle functions ranging from tracking the solicitation of donations of papers to... -
Records Center Program Billing System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
RCPBS supports the Records center programs (RCP) in producing invoices for the storage (NARS-5) and servicing of National Archives and Records Administrationâs... -
Researcher Registration System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
Automated system that manages the researcher application, registration, and access process in Archives I and II. -
Internal Collaboration Network recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
ICN is a social business software tool for National Archives and Records Administration staff. -
Holdings Management System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
This system supports the physical management of permanent, hard-copy archival Records in the custody of National Archives and Records Administration program offices. -
Electronic Records Archives recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
ERA system preserves electronic Records. -
Enterprise Data Inventory (EDI) Progress Information recent views
Social Security Administration —
Social Security continues to release data in support of the open data initiative. See www.ssa.gov/data for a summary of our efforts and our enterprise data listing.... -
Case Management and Reporting System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
CMRS provides improved workload management and processes related to fulfilling requests for military Records. -
Electronic Document Management System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
e-DOCS is a system that automates the creation of the daily Federal Register. This also includes the Emergency Federal Register. -
Archival Records Center Information System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
ARCIS automates, centralizes and standardizes the Records Center business processes -
Archival Electronic Records Inspection and Control recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
AERIC preserves the logical structure of databases, and verifies that the records received are those supported by the accompanying documentation. -
Presidential Electronic Records Library recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
PERL (Presidential Electronic Records Library) used to ingest and provide internal access to the Presidential electronic Records of the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton... -
Case Analysis Tracking System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
CATS tracks Public and Federal Agency Reference Requests for OPF (Official Personnel Folder) , EMF (Employee Medical Folder), and eOPF (electronic Official Personnel... -
Order Fulfillment and Accounting System recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
OFAS is the financial management system that tracks and provides accounting of customer service requests for reproductions of National Archives and Records...