Improving the Success of Reentry Programs: Identifying the Impact of Service-Need Fit on Recidivism in 14 States, 2004-2011 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
MTA 2025-2029 Capital Plan ACEP Projects recent views
State of New York —
The MTA Capital Program is comprised of a series of five-year capital investment plans. These capital plans describe the capital investments—or projects—to which the... -
MTA 2025-2044 20-Year Needs Assessment Bus Fleet Inventory recent views
State of New York —
The 2025-2044 20-Year Needs Assessment outlines capital work the MTA needs to do over the next two decades to keep the region moving. The MTA developed a three-part... -
Drinking Water - SAFER Dashboard Failing and At-Risk Drinking Water Systems recent views
State of California —
The Division of Drinking Water (DDW) identifies Failing and At-Risk community water systems and K-12 non-transient, non-community schools. This information is... -
Crime Detroit Block 2016 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
The Detroit Police Department provided property and violent crime location data for 2016. Data Driven Detroit aggregated the data up to a block level. Data was... -
Evaluation of the Focused Offender Disposition Program in Birmingham, Phoenix, and Chicago, 1988-1992 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Drug Testing Technology/Focused Offender Disposition (FOD) program was designed to examine two issues regarding drug users in the criminal justice system: (1) the... -
Nature and Scope of Violence Against Women in San Diego [California], 1996-1998 recent views
Department of Justice —
The goal of this study was to compile and analyze data about incidents of domestic violence in San Diego County, California, in order to enhance understanding of the... -
Experiences and Needs of Formerly Intimate Stalking Victims in Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1991-1995 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study sought to explore the nature of the stalking experiences of noncelebrity stalking victims who had previously been in intimate relationships with their... -
MTA 2025-2044 20-Year Needs Assessment Railcar Fleet Inventory recent views
State of New York —
The 2025-2044 20-Year Needs Assessment outlines capital work the MTA needs to do over the next two decades to keep the region moving. The MTA developed a three-part... -
MTA 2025-2044 20-Year Needs Assessment Asset Condition recent views
State of New York —
The 2025-2044 20-Year Needs Assessment is a broad, comprehensive blueprint that outlines the MTA region's transportation capital needs for the next generation. It... -
Tax Foreclosures 2016 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Parcel level Tax Foreclosure data within the City during 2016 were obtained from the Wayne County Treasurer. Data was used for the Income and Poverty section of... -
Immigrant Populations as Victims in New York City and Philadelphia, 1994 recent views
Department of Justice —
The purpose of this study was to examine interrelated issues surrounding the use of the criminal justice system by immigrant victims and to identify ways to improve... -
Probation officers' Compliance with the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI): A Multi-level Study of Post-implementation Practice across Pennsylvania counties, 2015-2018 recent views
Department of Justice —
This research uses in-depth cases studies in five counties, combining interviews and observations, interviews with state reform leaders, and a statewide survey, to... -
Validation of the Los Angeles County [California] Probation Department's Risk and Needs Assessment Instruments, 1997-1999 recent views
Department of Justice —
In 1996, the Los Angeles County Probation Department developed a set of six instruments to better assess offender risks and needs. Each instrument was intended to... -
Optimizing Juvenile Assessment Performance, United States, 2003-2019 recent views
Department of Justice —
In nearly every state and in the vast majority of juvenile justice agencies, risk assessments are incorporated into diversion, case management, supervision, and... -
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Sites 2015 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
HUD provided site locations for developments using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits for 2015. Data was obtained for the Housing section of Little Caesar's Arena... -
Decision-Making in the Juvenile Justice System in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, 1999-2000 recent views
Department of Justice —
The goals of the juvenile justice system in the United States have always been multiple, beginning with rehabilitation, the primary goal when the juvenile court was... -
National Study of Innovative and Promising Programs for Women Offenders, 1994-1995 recent views
Department of Justice —
The purpose of this study was to conduct a national-scale evaluation of correctional facilities housing female offenders in order to assess the effectiveness of... -
Targeting Natural Resources Corruption (TNRC) Practitioner Needs Assessment recent views
US Agency for International Development —
In 2019, the TNRC project conducted a needs assessment examining the use of anti-corruption analyses and approaches among natural resource management (NRM) and... -
National Assessment Program Survey of Criminal Justice Agencies in the United States, 1992-1994 recent views
Department of Justice —
The National Assessment Program (NAP) Survey was conducted to determine the needs and problems of state and local criminal justice agencies. At the local level in...